It’s not though. I’ve been measuring animal anatomy for a couple of decades and there is no elk alive where there is 8-12” of tissue on a quartering-to shot before being on the scapula or in the chest cavity. Even on a bull moose you don’t have that much. I carry a 4-5” blade knife as a usual thing, and there is no angle where the blade bottoms out without entering the chest cavity.
That podcast was full of so many factually incorrect and ridiculous things about tissue that nothing can be taken as being correct. There is not even remotely close to a foot of muscle over an elks shoulder, nor is the heart “tough and dense” as relates to bullets, nor is lung tissue a “frothy bubble”. Tissue is primarily made up of water- including the lungs, and bullets do not react substantially different in a heart than they do in the lungs at most impact velocities. For that matter they don’t react very different in “dense shoulders muscle” either. The scapula (shoulder) isn’t thick enough bone to cause issues; the blade itself -what people refer to as the shoulder- is actually thinner than a rib and causes no more problem to a bullet than a standard rib shot.
There’s no magic- cut a rib in half and measure its thickness, then slice the scapula and measure it. The only part of a “shoulder” that is thicker than standard cardboard is the scapula spine (the ridge) that runs vertically, and it on an elk or moose is only about 1-1.5” thick, and around 1/4” wide. It’s not a problem for a bullet.
@Wrench stated- elk are a fantasy animal/life time goal for the vast majority of people, but are in actuality just a larger whitetail.
People desire heroes, villains, and mythical things. If people understood that animals are just tissue and aren’t magical, the novelty wouldn’t be there. Intuitively we know this because elk are stacked every year with pointed sticks- they can’t be that big of a deal if a sharpened stick kills them on demand.
The reality is that if a bullet will consistently penetrate 12” through a barrier (FBI tests) in 10% organic ballistic gel, there is no NA animal- elk/moose/brown bear that the bullet won’t get to both lungs if you put it in the front half.