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- Jun 26, 2012
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- Denver, CO
Just seeing what everyone is using. I've got a couple Carlton Calls cow/chalf and Elk 101 All Star.
Joe- I hadn't seen this thread when you and I talked about the Elk101 All-Star this morning. Weird...
So I'll pass on the gist of our conversation to the rest of y'all:
I'm finding it difficult to get lower pitched tones out of this diaphragm, the Elk101 All-Star. I can only get high cow calls and calf sounds. This is not to say that I don't like the call. On the contrary, I really like the All-Star. I probably will have to supplement my calling with something extra though. I've yet to blast out any bugles with it though. Corey sure makes 'em sound good! I have to assume I have hope...
Just to clarify: Yes, I would recommend the All-Star. If you find that the palate plate bothers you, it looks like it would come out with a pair of pliers.
Any pointers on getting lower tones out of this diaphragm? Corey or anyone else?
I picked up the All-Star at the ISE in Denver after sitting through one of Corey's (buglelk) seminars. I had lost my only elk diaphragm in the woods last year and this one only cost me $5. I should have bought another and a couple of the others... oh well.
I started using turkey diaphragms when I was pretty young, so I was already familiar with how to use it. I've found that I'm indifferent regarding the palate plate. None of my turkey calls have them, but the one in the All-Star doesn't bother me. In fact, I have a couple double and single reed turkey diaphragms that I can get good elk sounds out of. Also, I can get decent turkey calls out of the All-Star.
Having tried many if you are not a reed caller start with one that fits the palate of your mouth.
My favorite are Bugling Bull calls. The Mellow Yellow is the best cow call I have found. I switch between Screamin Tormentor, The Challenge and Raging Bull for bugles.