Diaphragm call with dome?

Feb 5, 2023
I've been a turkey hunter for over 15 years and mainly use diaphragm calls. I am planning a possible elk hunt in September and was noticing that most elk diaphragms have a small dome over the reeds. I've seen them on turkey calls before, but they aren't very common. Is there a reason that so many elk calls have them? What are your preferences?
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I use regular flat ones, but I also have a wide pallet and struggle to use the narrow frame. Wide frames I sound great on. In my opinion the dome has more to do with selling to people, then calling elk. They make no real sound difference for me.
The domed calls don’t fit my mouth and I have to cut them down to fit so I don’t gag and can get it sealed and manipulate it.

I think it’s personal.
Like boots as you can see above, they don’t fit everyone. For some people, it helps with a gag reflex. But I’m with Paul, I love them. I get more consistent sound out of them instead of making mistake at the beginning of the call and correcting it.
I will add this. I've sold thousands of Diaphragm calls over the years. 95% were Domed with the 1/2" reeds. Only 5% sold were the wider reeds that were non-domed. Odds are that you will be fine with the domed 1/2" reeds. It takes a very wide pallet to be happy with any mouth reed over a 1/2".

It takes diligent practice to use mouth reeds with confidence, do not expect them to fit great the 1st or 10th time you try them out, you must form a relationship with them. When you do you will find you will not need to trim any mouth reed, instead you adapt to their fit. There is no quick fit when a newer user, you must get used to them before you will be comfortable with them. Make sure to stay with a lighter tension single reed as you experiment!

While we are on the subject, I can’t remember how many of those darn things I have lost in the field. I’m definitely in the one is none camp.
They make some decent cases for carry of several, I have one.
In an attempt to minimize movement while grabbing a call I have lost them while …..
tucked under a thick rubber band on my quiver
tucked somewhere in my hat
just pocket carried

My patent pending call carrier has been rigorously field tested for two years. Made for a HPG style chest bag, probably adaptable for a plain bino harness.
Never had a call fall out, minimal movement to deploy the call and it gets a chance to dry out.

You may infringe on my patent.

Agree with everyone here, have to just try them. I had a similar background before I started elk hunting and found elk calling on a diaphragm a lot easier than turkey, you should pick it up quickly. I prefer dome (phelps), but I cannot use RMHC dome calls, but can use their flat.... just got to try them all.
So many awesome reed choices today to find the one that works best for your palate. They are not $2.99 like they were in the 80s but so many more options, quality is far better and consistency from reed to reed when you find the one you like. Decades ago you bought 3 of the same reed and one worked🤣
Domed doesn't work for me. I've tried some different ones over the decades, and at this point I use the Phelps Dragon Slayer for every elk sound that I can't make with my voice. YMMV
Fellow turkey nut here. I found I was blowing out all the stock elk reeds I was using. I am used to triple reed woodhavens, so I made a call to Jason Phelps and he made me some with a tighter stretch, and that extended the longevity for me. I'm a big fan of his pitch black series.

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