Elk calling - what diaphragms you using?

Bugling bulls, remedy, closer and raging bull. Carlton single and double reeds.

Not a big fan of the palate plates and really don't like the domed calls.
My favorite are Bugling Bull calls. The Mellow Yellow is the best cow call I have found. I switch between Screamin Tormentor, The Challenge and Raging Bull for bugles.
I'm just beginning to learn, but I have found the Mellow Yellow to be the easiest and most versatile of the handful of diaphragms that I've tried.
I use Glenn Berry reeds for my bull calls and Bugling bull calls for the cow mews, along with the Bully tube.
All-Star diaphragm for bull and cow sounds, with a Bully Bull tube and a Temptress for some extra cow calls.
Joe- I hadn't seen this thread when you and I talked about the Elk101 All-Star this morning. Weird...

So I'll pass on the gist of our conversation to the rest of y'all:

I'm finding it difficult to get lower pitched tones out of this diaphragm, the Elk101 All-Star. I can only get high cow calls and calf sounds. This is not to say that I don't like the call. On the contrary, I really like the All-Star. I probably will have to supplement my calling with something extra though. I've yet to blast out any bugles with it though. Corey sure makes 'em sound good! I have to assume I have hope...

Just to clarify: Yes, I would recommend the All-Star. If you find that the palate plate bothers you, it looks like it would come out with a pair of pliers.

Any pointers on getting lower tones out of this diaphragm? Corey or anyone else?

I picked up the All-Star at the ISE in Denver after sitting through one of Corey's (buglelk) seminars. I had lost my only elk diaphragm in the woods last year and this one only cost me $5. I should have bought another and a couple of the others... oh well.

I started using turkey diaphragms when I was pretty young, so I was already familiar with how to use it. I've found that I'm indifferent regarding the palate plate. None of my turkey calls have them, but the one in the All-Star doesn't bother me. In fact, I have a couple double and single reed turkey diaphragms that I can get good elk sounds out of. Also, I can get decent turkey calls out of the All-Star.
Joe- I hadn't seen this thread when you and I talked about the Elk101 All-Star this morning. Weird...

So I'll pass on the gist of our conversation to the rest of y'all:

I'm finding it difficult to get lower pitched tones out of this diaphragm, the Elk101 All-Star. I can only get high cow calls and calf sounds. This is not to say that I don't like the call. On the contrary, I really like the All-Star. I probably will have to supplement my calling with something extra though. I've yet to blast out any bugles with it though. Corey sure makes 'em sound good! I have to assume I have hope...

Just to clarify: Yes, I would recommend the All-Star. If you find that the palate plate bothers you, it looks like it would come out with a pair of pliers.

Any pointers on getting lower tones out of this diaphragm? Corey or anyone else?

I picked up the All-Star at the ISE in Denver after sitting through one of Corey's (buglelk) seminars. I had lost my only elk diaphragm in the woods last year and this one only cost me $5. I should have bought another and a couple of the others... oh well.

I started using turkey diaphragms when I was pretty young, so I was already familiar with how to use it. I've found that I'm indifferent regarding the palate plate. None of my turkey calls have them, but the one in the All-Star doesn't bother me. In fact, I have a couple double and single reed turkey diaphragms that I can get good elk sounds out of. Also, I can get decent turkey calls out of the All-Star.

Give the reed some time to break in a little. Dont try to prematurely stretch the latex with your fingers. Best way to break it in, is to start bugling with it. You may have to position it a little further back (but not too far as to cause a gag) to get just the right spot. DONT OVER BLOW! It takes very little air pressure to get some great sounds, but will distort if you over blow. As the latex loosens a bit, the deeper tones will come :)
It's true ones should consider the use of a specific diaphragm that works best for them, but in some cases newer hunters are in limbo as to what call may that be? I too have my favorite calls, there are two at present, the Mellow Yellow is my All Purpose reed, the Raging Bull is my favorite big bull reed. What this means is the Mellow Yellow is used for all cow sounds & most bull sounds but the Raging Bull is specifically used for tormenting herd bulls. I can use the Mellow Yellow for this in a pinch but prefer the Raging Bull if I'm the caller. I sell hundreds of elk calls a year, the # -1 seller is the Mellow Yellow, the # 2 seller is the Raging Bull, the Closer is 3rd & All Star # 4 -- That is a lot of hunters involved in these stats. If looking for a new call because not satisfied with what you have then consider # -1 & 2 -- This majority of hunters cannot be wrong! (grin) We personally have called in 100's of bulls over the years with these two calls on OTC Public Land elk hunts.

Having tried many if you are not a reed caller start with one that fits the palate of your mouth.

This is super important. For example, I tried and tried with a "normal" call but only got the gag reflex and little to no sound, not to mention spitting and slobbering all over myself :(. At the Western Hunt expo about 4 years ago Rocky from Bugling Bulls asked to look at my pallet (wondering if he was a dentist in a past life) and instantly saw that I have a very high and narrow pallet so the standard sized calls were out. I have used a Primos call but lost it, sadly. But the one I really like is the Bugling Bulls "Mini-Master Single" which is essentially the same as the Elk 101 call, but with a smaller surface area.

Like Pilgram mentioned, I too have a hard time with deeper sounds, so I appreciate what thebugler said about volume. I'll work on that.
My favorite are Bugling Bull calls. The Mellow Yellow is the best cow call I have found. I switch between Screamin Tormentor, The Challenge and Raging Bull for bugles.

this. I find myself going to the mellow yellow 90% of the time. ive found that its a very effective bugle also. don't know why but I get more response with it than the others. maybe not as intimidating of a sound for early season calling. just a theory though