ELD-Ms Work.

Damn! That’s killer speeds with H1000. How long of barrel and are you into pressure at all? (Not judging, just simply asking)

I only took them up to 3200fps with 84.5gr. H1000 out of a 7-300 NMI and 26” barrel
28” 1-8 twist 3-1/2 contour Schneider barrel. I have pushed the 162’s pretty hard. 3325 was my top end. I had to back it down some but it shot well.

I believe i will be trying the M’s in my 6 creed. The last three deer my kids have killed with the X’s have not had a single drop of blood. Now they have been pretty devastating and none have gone more than 50yrds but hunting around thick crp im really needing a blood trail.
I believe i will be trying the M’s in my 6 creed. The last three deer my kids have killed with the X’s have not had a single drop of blood. Now they have been pretty devastating and none have gone more than 50yrds but hunting around thick crp im really needing a blood trail.

The M’s won’t be much different. The 105gr HPBT from Hornady almost always exits.

Through onside “shoulder”, then centered and severed the spine, then excited.
The M’s won’t be much different. The 105gr HPBT from Hornady almost always exits.

Through onside “shoulder”, then centered and severed the spine, then excited.
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The 105gr HPBT Is a great bullet. The old school Hornady 87gr BTHP is a great bullet also. People think they are a Varmint bullet. Hornady designed them as a medium game bullet. I shot allot of deer years back with them, with a .243 Win. Under 200 yards more often than not they would exit.

Anyone with experience with the ELDM on an animal below 100 yards?
Pronghorn at about 70 yards and a whitetail buck at about 60. Pronghorn was dead at impact, whitetail went 75-100 yards. Blood trail on whitetail was kinda weird, small spots in some places and huge amounts in others, easy to follow regardless. Both pass throughs behind shoulder with big exit holes and extensive interior damage. 147 gr, 6.5 PRC. I was very surprised the whitetail went anywhere.
I’m over 20 kills with ELDM’s. 80 ELDM, 108 ELDM, 147 ELDM, 180 ELDM and 225 ELDM.

Pigs, coyotes, deer, elk, aoudad and probably some other shit too. From 30 yards to 1114 yards.

I have had ZERO WTF moments with them. In all calibers and ranges. They hit, fragment fast, and make nice wound channels. Few exits on big game, but nothing’s made it far enough that I’ve to track it yet.
Bighorn ewe with 123gr ELD-M from 6.5 Grendel at 174yds ~2500 at the muzzle. Laid her flat where she stood but she managed to do a death kick and roll over the cliff side. Beat her up some and broke off a horn.
Photo is the exit.
Anyone with experience with the ELDM on an animal below 100 yards?
73 grain eldmurders
100ish yards on an broadside antelope, went about 20 yards.
320 yards on an frontal elk, went a couple feet.
50ish yards on a broadside whitetail, went 40 wobbly yards.
The ELDM is a great line and I have zero hesitation using them from varmints to big game. Personally, I've shot the following:

88 gr ELDM
- Mule deer buck at 315 yards (22-250 AI)
- Doe antelope at 420 yards (22 CM)
- Coyote at 600 yards (22-250 AI)



108 ELDM
- 3 coyotes at 250, 200, and 125 yards (6 CM with thermal)
- 3 coyotes at 150 yards and in (6 ARC with thermal)
- Countless jack rabbits, raccoons, and foxes at distances out to 200 yards (6 CM and 6 ARC with thermal)

My brother and his friends have shot a few deer and elk with the 180 ELDM out of a 7 SAUM with great results as well.

This was a great night thermal hunting - the 108 ELDM expands violently on jackrabbits, whereas the 107 SMK will just pencil through and the rabbit stands around for 20 sec before tipping over.

The 105gr HPBT Is a great bullet. The old school Hornady 87gr BTHP is a great bullet also. People think they are a Varmint bullet. Hornady designed them as a medium game bullet. I shot allot of deer years back with them, with a .243 Win. Under 200 yards more often than not they would exit.

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I miss those old 87 gr bthp. I paid my way through college shooting coyotes with those. I used them for everything from rock chucks to elk. They were just the right mix of soft enough to expand on a deer chest cavity, but hard enough not to tear up a coyote too bad

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Used a 168 eldm in my 308 on a doe at 100 yards. Watch her sit on her butt and fall backwards. Chest cavity was soup. Big fan and hoping all the future kills are similar. Sure beats tracking through swamps
Used a 168 eldm in my 308 on a doe at 100 yards. Watch her sit on her butt and fall backwards. Chest cavity was soup. Big fan and hoping all the future kills are similar. Sure beats tracking through swamps
I’m getting ready to do some load development with the 168gr ELD-M for a Remington 700 “Classic” chambered in .300 Savage.