EL8x32 vs EL8.5x42


Jul 27, 2016
Curious from those who have used both what the pros and cons are for both. They are about the same price in the used market.
I already have NL14’s and a spotter, these will be used for shed hunting, archery elk and just general glassing for the chest or vehicle. Curious how the picture quality compares, depth of field, low light performance, etc. I know the 8x32 has a larger FOV but also a little less magnification.
I own both. I bought both looking for the ultimate optic for treestand hunting whitetails. I prefer the 8.5x42s. They are the least finicky optical instrument I've ever used regarding eye placement and have an incredible depth of field. I just raise them up and get a perfect image. The extra bit of mag and brightness is a an added bonus while whitetail hunting dawn and dusk.

The 8x32s are of course very nice as well. They are the smallest bino that is still comfortable and stable in my hands. They provide a fantastic view in daylight hours and are very nice to carry. Eye placement is touchy for me and I sometimes try to get the eyecups in/between setpoints (clicks).
I have had both. I actually had the opposite experience with eye box forgiveness and blackouts. Going by the theory of a larger exit pupil giving more eyebox, it doesn’t really make sense. But I guess that goes to show how individual everyone’s eye socket shape and placement is.

I agree that the 8x32 handles very well and is probably the smallest bino that still handles well with one or both hands. The glass and depth of field is amazing on both. The .5x magnification difference was noticeable albeit very slightly and not enough for me to justify the larger size of the 42mm obj model. Ultimately you can’t go wrong with either if they fit your face shape