Drugs - An honest use and need

This one was through a gold crown. No pain in the tooth but horrible pain in my lower jaw. I've had a couple root canal but this was the worst.

The worst constipation pain came with a pain pump with my first kidney stone. A memorable event hopefully to never have a rerun.
I suppose it could be for some. The addicts screwed the rest of us out of a very effective pain relief med. For some reason I have been able to just take it as needed, and never finished an entire script.
It hits some people different.
They gave me 3.5 days worth when I got my wisdom teeth out.
Man I f ing love that stuff. Immediately knew I had to stay away. I was almost a total attic after 3.5 days and was considering buying it on the street.
That was 20 yrs ago and my mouth still waters when oxy is mentioned.

I've been in pretty bad back pain for yrs no and refuse to let them give me pain meds.

It would be the end of me.
I have never had an issue with pain. Never took pain meds after I left hospital after hip and knee replacement surgery. I don't want to test my tolerance to pain on tooth problems. sounds like a whole different world of pain.
The really ugly side issue was constipation. It will give a new perspective on life.
When I was 12 I had a lung removed and had a nasty infection that followed - like 3 weeks in the ICU nasty. I was on a heavy regiment of morphine and that was the only time in my life I have been constipated. That was truly something…
It hits some people different.
They gave me 3.5 days worth when I got my wisdom teeth out.
Man I f ing love that stuff. Immediately knew I had to stay away. I was almost a total attic after 3.5 days and was considering buying it on the street.
That was 20 yrs ago and my mouth still waters when oxy is mentioned.

I've been in pretty bad back pain for yrs no and refuse to let them give me pain meds.

It would be the end of me.
It's interesting hearing different people's reactions to pain meds. I have taken 1 prescription pain pill in my life. It was a Percocet when I did something to my back and it hurt so bad that my wife had to help me get dressed. After that 1 Percocet I decided that I would deal with the back pain. I can't even describe how bad that pill made me feel, but it was BAD.

My wife has had 3 c-sections. The first 2 they prescribed her some kind of narcotic. She took 1 pill each time. The last time she laid on the bathroom in front of the toilet for 4hrs. She said "never again". Her 3rd C-section was 5 months ago, and they tied her tubes. She said "I will get by with Tylenol and ibuprofen". And she did.
This one was through a gold crown. No pain in the tooth but horrible pain in my lower jaw. I've had a couple root canal but this was the worst.

The worst constipation pain came with a pain pump with my first kidney stone. A memorable event hopefully to never have a rerun.
I had that happen once , the Dr said the needle for the shot might've went through the nerve there .
It’s pretty crazy how freely drugs are or were prescribed. I haven’t heard any surgeries since the opiate epidemic was deemed to be a thing, but I’ve had several minor procedures where the doc just wrote a script for some kind of opiate without even asking if I wanted them.
I had to replace a crown. The temporary was fine. After a day with the permanent I was in excruciating pain. I had to take 2 Tylenol and 3 ibuprofen every 3 hours to deal with the pain. This went on for three days before my dentist finally figured out the problem. I cannot imagine what it is like to deal with chronic pain every day.
The really ugly side issue was constipation. It will give a new perspective on life.
Yup, I was given 2-1/2 doses of Diamorphone & 3 days worth of Hydrocodone for a kidney stone 2 years ago. Worst pain I've ever experienced in my life (including 3 gunshot wounds)
I think that the constipation was almost as bad as the damn stone. 1 went 11 days without a movement though, to be fair, i also went the first 8 days without food. When i finally did manage one, i literally cried with relief.

No more opioids for me. Second stone i had, i just gritted my teeth & shovelled ibuprofen & tylenol down my face for 2 days until it dropped.
I suppose it could be for some. The addicts screwed the rest of us out of a very effective pain relief med. For some reason I have been able to just take it as needed, and never finished an entire script.
Let's not blame the victims here.

Purdue Pharma (among others) aimed to get as many people hooked on their brand of opiate as possible, and it worked. Of course it's effective for pain relief; the stuff is essentially morphine.
I've had similar stuff happen. Getting a tooth ache in the middle of a hunt was the worst. I feel your pain
Several years ago I was taking extra strength Vicodin and Percocet for my neck and back every day.......for a pretty long time. I couldn't sleep on the oxycodone, so took the hydrocodone at night. Never had any issues other than the sleep with them. But then I took a job where I just wasn't going to be able to take it every day, so started taking half doses until it was gone. I never did get constipation.....in fact I had to ask my wife one day just what constipation was. I've had that very minorly maybe three times in my lifetime, and never really considered that an issue. I considered not having to crap for three days a blessing.

But ya, these days......when I really need something for my lower back, I can't find a doctor to prescribe anything. So ya.......all the lawsuits etc really did screw it up for the rest of us. I did have a couple prescriptions from 2011 that lasted me through 2020. That's all I want now, something I can take when really needed and it will last me 10 years.
Sorry you had this happen. I'm a dentist and you are experiencing a "flare-up" of inflammatory responses post root canal therapy. It really stinks. It wouldn't hurt to ask for a corticosteroid for the pain such as dexamethasone or medrol dose pak.
Let's not blame the victims here.

Purdue Pharma (among others) aimed to get as many people hooked on their brand of opiate as possible, and it worked. Of course it's effective for pain relief; the stuff is essentially morphine.
Yeah those pill mills popped up like weeds. FDA did nothing for a while, till it got to 30k a year dead from OD. Now we have kids dropping dead from fentanyl that moves in here freely across our border. Twice as many “victims“.
Most people could use oxy as the effective short term pain relief it was meant to be.
some of my earliest memories are from a dentists chair. i have had a lot of stuff done to keep my teeth.
the pain meds do work but i dont have a problem with quitting them. but i sure am not afraid to take em if it hurts bad enough.
Folks that have to deal with severe pain every day of their lives are the ones that are getting hurt. I was born with a couple issues and because of generalized public opinions Dr's ,go by what the government says should work. Not the patients needs. Not a very good situation. Especially when certain drugs administered in a professional way could help considerably.
I have a rare disease that is causing my ligaments and tendons to calcify, yeah like turning to stone. It's very painful and crippeling. I have used my hands to make my living and raise a family. Trying to imagine what it's like knowing this is happening to your entire body. But the government says this certain amount should work for pain relief. Not what the Dr's think. Specialist. But government knows best BS. Have to please public opinions to get their votes. So create another crisis.
So yeah. I have a kinda unique perspective to speak from. Government should not enter your Dr's decisions . Don't even allow for exceptions except cancer. I asked why, pain dr leans over and whispers in my ear. Couse their going to die anyhow.
I'll be great, because that's all I will settle for. The Good Lord has a plan and that's good enough for me. But for many its not this way.
Hey I will be out calling moose from the front deck of our cabin I built because I new I would get older and hunting and just being in the bush is so good for my soul. And my beautiful wife supported me, knowing it was something that I just had to do in my life. I have missed the last 2 years because of surgeries. First time since mid 60s. Sure going to be good to get out n hang out at the cabin.
Folks please remember that there are others that suffer their entire lives with pain every day. Severe pain. When talking about this subject.
Good Lord's got a plan
I have had kidney stones and kidney surgery and the pain will have you puking
and writhing in pain , since the opioid crisis they will order a combination of Tylenol & Advil which doesn’t help
narco , oxytocin, ect, just don’t overdo it 😂