Dream hunts a 20 year old should build points for?


Sep 30, 2023
I'm starting out in the point game in a number of states. I had two points for sheep in WY, but I'll be dropping those on advice of others more experienced. I can appreciate a trophy from essentially any species - what are 2-3 dream hunts I should start saving points for?

This is mostly to have a hunt to look forward to while going on more run of the mill hunts over the years, but I also want to have a real shot within 30 years
I would start by applying for the once-in-a-lifetime hunts in every western state you can afford. The odds are extremely low but you will not draw 100% of the tags you don't apply for.
What would you do in order of importance (state & species)? Only tags I'm not particularly interested in are mountain goats, given the hunts with a tag aren't extremely expensive compared to other OIL species
Why would people want to lower their own chances by advising you on the best tags? My dude, use google.
Not asking for secret units that harbor crazy trophies. I've done the research and know what's out there, I'm asking because I enjoy hearing about what others enjoy in their hunts and want to look into whether it would be something I'm interested in as well

Units that take decades to draw aren't exactly secrets
It's hard to advise cause there are alot of factors involved.

Location. Budget. Etc.

About the best advice I can give is, if your already buying the liscense, pick up points that u might not seem interested in now. Cause u never know when your preferences might change.
Put in for everything you can or want to hunt,and go hunt. Times are changing. You don't know what will happen. Dream hunts you think about today may not exist in 30 years, or even 15.
Agreed with this. I skipped multiple states when I started the points game and really kick myself now. I may start on a new one this year and I’m way behind but it also gives me another option for when I start cashing in other places
Wyoming general elk may be out of reach unless you are a resident. Sad but soon it will be 90/10 and that golden goose will be gone with everything else in Wyoming.

I feel sorry for you young guys. Pick a state or two that does mostly random and shoot the moon.
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I'm ahead of you a few years, but I've started accumulating points in quite few states- however, money will afford you way more hunting opportunities than points ever will. Move somewhere with resident opportunities and then start building points and especially building savings. Points don't do you any good if you can't afford to be off work long enough to use them.
What would you do in order of importance (state & species)? Only tags I'm not particularly interested in are mountain goats, given the hunts with a tag aren't extremely expensive compared to other OIL species
That's completely up to you, where you live, and what the rules are. You could write a book about all the intricacies of applying for hunts. Start listening to Randy Newburg's podcast on applying in every state and formulate a plan that works for you and your budget.
You’re young.

Move to a state that offers good hunting for multiple species for residents.
Yep. I meant to add that tidbit. My son graduates from nursing school next month and I’m trying to nudge him to Alaska or Arizona.
Agree on living in a state that offers lots of hunting possibilities with a good future for residents. You are still young enough that your roots probably aren't too deep, move now while you can. Get the residency in the state that offers the most and has a stable Game and Fish department and then save for BC or Alaska moose, etc.
You will never draw a hunt you dont apply for.

Stop listening to the nay-sayers. You may have low odds but it is your dream not theirs.

When they started moose tags in ME, NH, VT my dad told me not to apply - you’ll never get one. My uncle has gone 3 times, my cuz 2x and his kid 1x. I surely would have drawn a tag by now.

I say this in that you will try for what you want instead of letting someone kill any chance you get.

Say they have 1,000 applicants and 1 free-for all tag that doesnt go by points. Would you apply at 1,000 to 1 odds? I would if it mattered to me, that’s better than many other tags folks apply for.

To move to a state for only hunting seems shallow but i moved to FL for the fishing. Working out ok so far.
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If you have the money, points everywhere for everything. And many of these you have a small small chance to draw without maximum points. Chances are good that you can outlive the other point holders ahead of you.

Better yet, start putting away $100 a month on auto draft into a dedicated savings (ideally high yield interest rate). Then buy the dream hunt while you’re still young and in good shape.
@ZMT - Might be easier to ask for a list of things you should NOT apply to. There are many things that are just a waste of time/money based on the drawing odds and cost to apply. Probably get more responses, too!

Wyoming moose for NR is a waste. Do not apply.