Draw weight

Feb 24, 2012
Right now my bows are at 72 lbs. last year I was shooting a bow at 83. Shoot whatever poundage you want. I'm with Aron thou. Why not go heavy if you can?
Feb 26, 2012
Annapolis, MD
I think the thing that hasn't been stated clearly, but said in other ways, is that we should all shoot as much draw weight as we can while still shooting consistently in any situation. It isn't bad to shoot heavy bows as long as you can make an accurate shot, in whatever situation you are in, on a consistent basis.

So, if you can shoot 70# at the range all day but can't...
... after hiking up a mountain for two hours ,or
... after sitting in a stand while it is 30* outside, or
... shooting while bending around a rock or tree trunk,

then you should drop down to a weight that you can make that accurate shot every time in those conditions. THAT is the heaviest weight that you can shoot consistently.


May 9, 2012
Shasta County, CA
I think the thing that hasn't been stated clearly, but said in other ways, is that we should all shoot as much draw weight as we can while still shooting consistently in any situation. It isn't bad to shoot heavy bows as long as you can make an accurate shot, in whatever situation you are in, on a consistent basis.

So, if you can shoot 70# at the range all day but can't...
... after hiking up a mountain for two hours ,or
... after sitting in a stand while it is 30* outside, or
... shooting while bending around a rock or tree trunk,

then you should drop down to a weight that you can make that accurate shot every time in those conditions. THAT is the heaviest weight that you can shoot consistently.

Couldn't agree more