Down booties for stand hunting?

My feet are always the first thing to get cold. I considered boot blankets, but didn’t want to carry anything extra.
I picked up a pair of Hoffman pac boots and they were a game changer. I can sit for hours in the cold. Warmest boots ever.
I messed with booties but went back to toe warmers and the Arctic Shield covers because my feet stay warmer and it’s less of a pain when getting to the stand. I’ve also found that putting carpet on the platform of the stand makes a noticeable difference.
The ice breakers look great but you have to keep your legs warm too if you want your feet to be warm. Are you using puffy pants?
Legs are no problem for me. A couple layers of base layers, or Sitka equinox midi pants, and the incinerator bibs.
Articshield boot covers work great. Another thing to do is loosen the laces on your boots when you get in your stand if they are laced tight. Good blood circulation helps.
This right here! Also switch to dry socks if your feet sweat at all.
I started using booties in the deer stand last year. It’s been a game changer. My feet always get cold and the over the boot covers make all the difference. You can throw a hand warmer in there for extra warmth.

I use some of the cheaper ones off amazon and they work just fine.
Do they go over the whole boot or just over the toe box and laces?
Like most everyone else has mentioned, you can't go wrong with good over the boot insulation once you get to the stand! I have had my artic shield covers for 15 years and they have no signs of slowing down.
I’ve tried most of the things recommended with varying success then bit the bullet and spent the money on Lenz electric socks. A complete gamer for me. When I stand hunt and steelhead fish in the winter I simply never even think about getting cold feet.
Tried the booties and they didn't solve the problem. Two things have helped tremendously. A boot dryer and these. I've paid $30 bucks for socks in the past but this has been a game chager. No packing extra stuff , no changing socks on stand, no noise making on stand in the dark. Put the boots on the dryer every night. I wear packs and put the liners on the dryer , the boots air dry by morning. no problem to -40 in Saskatchewan.

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Ice breaker boot blankets is what you're looking for.

Though I have used a similar to the Kuiu booties but inside my heater body suit. It was a pain in the butt to get all that up in the tree but I could have spent the rest of my life up there I was so comfortable.
I will be doing this come november. I plan on wearing my boots for the walk in on public then changing socks and putting on the booties once I'm in the saddle. I actually went up a size with the booties so I could put a body/hand warmer in them if needed. I will be posting here and on archery talk when the season's over
@jacobw5544 I’m guessing that poor circulation means that there’s limited supply of heat to keep you feet warm while they cook out any moisture in your boots. It takes a significant amount of heat to remove that moisture, so I’d focus on saving that heat by changing footwear.

I’d suggest changing into a set of dry socks and down or synthetic booties. My feet sweat a lot and I’m thus partial to synthetic insulation, but down is better for pack ability and warmth to weight and durability. If my feet wouldn’t literally get dripping wet while sitting still, I’d go with down booties instead.

I have the outdoor research aerogel booties ( since discontinued and replaced with their Tundra Trax booties). The aerogel on the bottom makes them incredibly warm. As a bonus, they should fit looser than most boots and thus won’t restrict limited circulation.

I’ve used the arctic shield boot blankets and they do well, but if my feet are wet then I find I need to be warm enough from moving when I put them on to let my warm feet cook the water vapor out of my socks and boots or I need a chemical heat pack.
My dad just takes his boots off and puts his feet into the Artic Shield boot blankets...really cold he throws a heat pack in. He just wear light field boots in to keep from getting sweaty feet. For me until it is really cold (say teens or under) good socks, uninsulated boots with laces loosened once in stand is good enough. Also, not standing up until you have to helps also.

Taking your boots off isn't going to be the make or break on deer scenting you. If they are down wind they know you are there and smell you. Try to cover your scent all you want it aint working and can't convince me otherwise...I've tried most of it.