I've had puppies 3 times over the past 28 years...24 of them with kids. The 1st pup I got while I was in school...plenty of time to train it. He was a red heeler, & could speak, quiet, sit, stay, lay down, go to bed, knew every one of his 6+ different toys, fetched (whichever toy i asked for) & helped herd/train colts. 2nd pup was after we had our first kid & we both worked...took a long time for it to stop chewing shoes, & was a sweet soul (laid back). Was super good with the kiddo, but disappeared from our place one night, never to return. That was 23 years ago. Nothing but older rescues & strays until just short of 2 years ago. I get most of January off, & half of December, so I knew I'd have time for a pup. Got one December 16th for our 10 & 12 year old boys. He's a shepherd cross (German & Australian), so he's fairly smart, rambunctious, & aims to please. Except for a few garbage & chewing mishaps, he's been a great dog. But, I've spent a LOT of hours with him, especially in the beginning. Lucky for him/us, covid allowed me to be home with him most of the first 8 months of his life. He's 2 now, & goes almost everywhere with us. Whwn left home, he ALWAYS rests his head on the picture window & watches us pathetically as we leave, but he behaves when left alone.
If you know at least one if you will be home most of the time over some break, I'd say take the opportunity & get a pup. Otherwise, an older, housebroke rescue may better suit your lifestyles right now. When your kids are older, they can help train a pup over summer break, if that's an option. Just my 2 cents. Keep us posted!