Does your state offer a lifetime hunting license? Did you buy one for your child?


Feb 12, 2014
My little girl will be turning two in April and I've been thinking about buying her a "Legacy" hunting license. You're only able to buy these before your child's 2nd birthday and they are $125. Once they reach age 12 (when purchasing a license is required), they have to take a hunter safety course and then the license is transferred to a lifetime license (no additional charge). I know it's kinda a gamble since she may not even be interested in hunting but it would be a great investment if she does enjoy it. It is also valid for her lifetime no matter of her residency status.

Have you guys done anything similar?
i think you should jump on that,no question. that seems like a good price too. when she reaches legal age she will have been banging around the woods with you for 10 years. i think the odds are real good that your gamble will have payed off.
If she turns into a hunter, it will be the best $125 you'll ever spend in your life. If she doesn't become a hunter, it won't be the end of the world. I feel like the risk/reward ratio is pretty good.
No brainer! Go for it!

This^. I got mine when I turned twelve and it was the best purchase my parents did for me. I have hunting, fishing, and conservation stamp. I know when I got mine it was 1/3 the price it is now. One thing to remember licenses are always going up. At $125 that's a good gamble. Just think of it as a lottery ticket but you will see return in your daughter growing up whether she hunts or not.
When I bought my lifetime, it was $500, it is now $1,000 and headed higher. Like taxes and this countries debt, only headed one way. Buy it.
When i got married my wife already had a son. He was almost 4 when we started dating and the price for a license doesn't go up again until he is 11 so he will get one when he is 11. My when we had our daughter I bought her one for her first birthday. Both licenses include fresh and salt water fishing and my family's land is near the beach so I'm sure that will get used
We just bought my daughter her lifetime license last month. In Tennessee its $200 for kids under 3. For resident adults a fishing license with trout stamp is $40. So even if Laurel never hunts, the fishing aspect, which she already loves, will be worth it. My parents bought me the Georgia lifetime license for Christmas the year before I graduated from high school. It was $500 at the time and has been good for me as I still hunt while we are down there most years at Christmas and thanksgiving.
Virginia's lifetime licenses must be a deal from what I'm reading. I'm going to go ahead and get my lifetime license as well. Ages 44 and under cost $260. At today's current rate of $23, it would take about 11 years to pay for itself. I'll be 41 then. I don't know about other states but I'm assuming they would be the same, you still have to buy your big games tags, archery, muzzleloader stamps, etc.
For $125 it seems like a chance worth taking for me.

I got the TX lifetime before i moved out of state...very happy i did that!
125 is all??? That's crazy. My dad and I split my son's lifetime hunting and fishing a few years ago. The cost in OK is 775$. I wouldn't think twice about the 775 I spent. 125 is a no brainer.
Just curious but everyone that is paying several hundred, does that include all the tags and everything?

See I'll still have to buy her tags and Archery & muzzleloader licenses although she'll have the lifetime hunting license. It's still a good investment since a hunting license is $23 right now. I'm just curious if everyone else's lifetime licenses include everything you need. Sounds like they should with some of the prices.
In Oklahoma the 775 covers everything you need with the exception of a bear tag. They just introduced bear hunting so they are making money off of that right now. All other tags permits are inccluded in the 775.
In Tennessee and Georgia it covers everything but the Federal duck stamp and some quota/limited hunt fees (ie elk tag in TN or gator in GA).