Does sub moa at 100 yards translate to sub moa past 600 yard?

I should have stated my goals. I'd like to develop a load to be able to hit a 10 inch target at 800 yards prone, as quickly and easily, efficiently as possible. I don't plan on shooting farther than 800 on deer or elk. That's a lot easier than sub moa at a thousand, right?
I personally believe the Ladder at your max distance followed by seating depth testing is the fastest way to a consistent and stable load. You may be able to ring more performance with other methods but at the expense of bullets, powder, and valuable barrel life.

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"Does sub moa at 100 yards translate to sub moa past 600 yard?" - Shoot it and see.

I dabbled in the dark arts of OCW, Ladder test and seating depth. I became lost in an obsession to make a small group, smaller and smaller. I lost friends, quit talking to family and became consumed by that last .001 I could get.

All that stuff can lead to good trigger time at a set distance, but it pays more to get out and shoot. Find an MOA load and go do some shooting. Try to find a spot to stretch out and see what you got. Go try a competition, I guarantee you'll learn a lot there.

rfurman24 - we need to go shoot sometime!

Where are you? Let's go.
I have developed loads for dozens of long range rifles some took a lot more time than others. In the last few months I have done 4 rifles all with Hammer bullets. I was able to get them all shooting sub moa at 600 yards in less than 20 rounds loaded for each rifle. I used 2 different powders on 2 and the other 2 shot great with the first powder i tried. I used 1 seating depth on each one. Barrels were proof, christensen, Faxon and a factory Kimber and all were good shooters with other bullets.