Does anyone eat coyote regularly

Nope not happening
its about equal to the 223 for elk hunting thread, yes it can be done , but why?
desperate need to survive or prove something 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

Let's just say a guy had fallen on hard times with a bad few years of bad hunting luck. Haha

I was thinking about how many rabbits I could potentially harvest this season because my freezer is empty and my big game season is basically over. That got me thinking about yotes.... But no, I seriously doubt I could do anything more than just try a bite of one and do not plan to fill my freezer with them
Plus.... If you read many books about the fur trapping era.... Those guys loved eating dog. Even the greenhorns who were vehemently opposed to eating a dog would get tricked into eating it and then proclaim it was better than fat cow.

Granted, those were domesticated dogs raised by various Indian tribes. I'm sure they weren't always eating the most rotten disgusting carcasses around the landscape like coyotes would be
Let's just say a guy had fallen on hard times with a bad few years of bad hunting luck. Haha

I was thinking about how many rabbits I could potentially harvest this season because my freezer is empty and my big game season is basically over. That got me thinking about yotes.... But no, I seriously doubt I could do anything more than just try a bite of one and do not plan to fill my freezer with them
A house cat or a nice fat dog would probably be better eating 🤔🤔🤔

you beat me to the punch 😆😆😆
We made jerky out of yote back straps just to say we did. Everyone who tried some had no idea, thought it was deer, antelope, or elk.
The Lewis and Clark diaries talk about eating coyote when they hadn't had meat in a while if I recall correctly.
If I ever see one of the wanderers that pass through this part of Iowa every so often, I will try to kill it and eat it. No regs. on mountain lions in IA.

That being said, we do have bobcat trapping season in IA. Anybody tried eating one of them?
Yeah bobcat is pretty good. Clean, pork like meat. Never had mt. Lion but it's gotta be similar.
Let's just say a guy had fallen on hard times with a bad few years of bad hunting luck. Haha

I was thinking about how many rabbits I could potentially harvest this season because my freezer is empty and my big game season is basically over. That got me thinking about yotes.... But no, I seriously doubt I could do anything more than just try a bite of one and do not plan to fill my freezer with them
You'd be farrrrr better off going trap a bunch of those things are downright tasty! Rich ,red meat.
I'd have to pretty desperate to eat a coyote. I preferred the smell of a skunk when skinning than a coyote, especially a green belly yote that had sat overnight before skinning. Bobcat and beaver both taste good though when handled properly.
Eating coyote?? Really?

Years ago, one of my teachers got the whole class to try jerky and asked us to guess what it was. While everyone was chewing away, I said "coyote" like I knew what I was talking about. I think half the class gagged and started spitting it out. :) It was goose.

I'm not eating coyote if I kill 100 of them.
Bet you would be unemployed in about ten minutes if you did that today.
It requires seasoning.

Just bumping this one for more info. I’m not an expert but I assume the scat full of seeds I see everywhere is coyote. Does that sound correct? If so they’re 90% vegetarian in summer and fall. Might improve the meat.
Just bumping this one for more info. I’m not an expert but I assume the scat full of seeds I see everywhere is coyote. Does that sound correct? If so they’re 90% vegetarian in summer and fall. Might improve the meat.

That would be news to me. Haven't heard of them eating berries before