Do you use a slider sight?

I will say that the CBE Tek Hydrid was a sweet sight, maybe if I had bought it with a multi pin head I would have kept it.. but I'll probably go Spot Hogg on my next bow.
I switched from the Sword Centurion single pin to the Trophy Taker Option 6 this year. I am surprised no one has mentioned this one. It has it all in my opinion.
Spot Hogg makes a fast eddy XL with a two dot single pin. A friend shoots one and loves it. One dot is 40 the other is 20. I called Montana Black Gold and asked if this was in the works from them and sadly no plans. They recommended I have a machinist drill a 10,000 of an inch hole if I wanted to add a second sight pin.

^^^^ This. I just got my Obsession Evolution sighted in with a new Spot Hogg Fast Eddy XL double pin and I love it so far. My other bows also have 3rd axis sights, 1 sword titan single pin, 1 hogg father single pin, but this 1 takes the cake for me. It has the 2nd pin in the same sight post as the main pin, approx. 1/4" lower. I am shooting right at 300fps, for a speed reference. With the slider set at 20 yards, the top/main pin is hitting what I consider a fairly strict whitetail kill zone from 0-32 yds. The 2nd pin is hitting the kill zone from 35-45 yds. Remember though, I'm hitting what I consider a whitetail kill zone, not a dime sized spot. This is a little bit subjective with exactly how accurate you want it to be. So basically, after shooting a lot with it & knowing where it hits with both pins, I don't have to move my sight at all unless the animal is over 45yds away. I love it
If you spend some time with a single pin and your bow has decent speed its pretty easy yo cover 10 to 50 yds with slight hold over/ hold under . I've had more bad experience with a jumble of pins and halo effect in low light than any other factor

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I use a CBE Tech Hybrid 3-pin sight with the pins set to 20, 30, and 50. The gap between 30 and 50 isn't too big with an Elite I34, so gap shooting 40 is easy. The extra room does clean up the sight picture for the slider. I've got it set to "home" with the slider flush with the sight housing so I have a visual and tactile way to set for zero. I have sight tape out to 100 yards dialed in. The fewer pins and open sight picture works well for me.
I have used a single pin HHA slider for 10 years now. Granted, I have only treestand hunted eastern whitetails where my average shot is 25 yds or less. I just leave the sight set on 20 and practice has shown I will hit in the vitals of a whitetail out to 30 without any hold over. I was going to switch to a multi pin for elk hunting but I'm just not comfortable with multi pins. I practiced all summer long and determined that if I leave my pin set at 30 yds, I can hit in the vitals of an elk without any adjustment out to 40 yds. Anything beyond that I will have to adjust my sight or hold over. I have my sight marked out to 80 and practice often at that range. But I am comfortable only 60 yds on an animal. We will see how my elk hunt goes this year. If I found out a single pin hinders me then I will switch to multi pins for next year.
I use a CBE Tek Hybrid 5 pin. No complaints with the sight. It is rock solid and has been durable. My pins are 20-60 and I primarily use the slider function for long range practice. I'll also use the slide pin for in between distances if there is time to adjust.
montana black gold. pure gold 75 on a 6" dovetail. 5 fixed pins on a slider.

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