Do you feel the edge?

Nov 27, 2013
Going off the Colorado thread. Question for guys from all parts of the country. Do you feel everyone is on edge in your town or city? In Colorado, no matter what store you go into, especially a small merchant, or large, such as a Walmart, liquor store, Ace Hardware etc, when you enter, you can "feel the eyes upon you". I 've been living here for almost 25 years, and I've never felt this before. The store clerks just have an uneasiness about them and rightfully so I suppose.

Sad really. You seeing it? Feeling it?
Times have changed, I think employees pay more attention to things especially since all the so called entitled peoples feel that just taking what they want is there entitlement or wondering when some bozo is going to shoot up the place as to other customers they may be a bit un-nerved an watch the environment they are in, its called situational awareness and is a good habit to get into especially in todays world
Guess it's good I mainly go to same places.

They still turn the fuel pumps on for me when I pull up, and I pay inside after.

My charge accounts at places let other people charge to me, that could be a headache, but hasn't been. If I know a neighbor is somewhere and I need something, I just tell them to put it on my account, saves me a trip.

I really thought this was going to be a thread about after you sharpen something.
Guess it's good I mainly go to same places.

They still turn the fuel pumps on for me when I pull up, and I pay inside after.

My charge accounts at places let other people charge to me, that could be a headache, but hasn't been. If I know a neighbor is somewhere and I need something, I just tell them to put it on my account, saves me a trip.

I really thought this was going to be a thread about after you sharpen something.
Does the Sheriff still let you sleep it off in one of the cells too? 😅😅😅
Going off the Colorado thread. Question for guys from all parts of the country. Do you feel everyone is on edge in your town or city? In Colorado, no matter what store you go into, especially a small merchant, or large, such as a Walmart, liquor store, Ace Hardware etc, when you enter, you can "feel the eyes upon you". I 've been living here for almost 25 years, and I've never felt this before. The store clerks just have an uneasiness about them and rightfully so I suppose.

Sad really. You seeing it? Feeling it?

I felt it so I fabricated a tin foil hat and it's all better now.
Not really. I live in a small town and don’t notice a change here or most places like it. I will say that I travel for work and there are some places I used to feel pretty safe in and now I feel less safe. I m not talking small towns or 3rd world. I mean NYC and especially its subways, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle…to name a few.
Everyone here hates everyone just because. I go into the store and people are trash talking each other only to act like friends when they see each other.

But I'm not sure who they hate more, people they have known forever or outsiders. It's just a mix of people seeing how they can be disgusted for any reason.

I think the cure is to buy more property. If i had 480 acres and lived in the middle i think that would be enough.
I’m a clean cut, short haired fellow usually in clean clothes with a smile on my face. I also take off my sunglasses so my eyes can be seen. I don't seem to ever have any issues such as the OP is inquiring about.
Except for when I go into a Asian buffet restaurant. Did I mention I’m slightly overweight? I sometimes get the snake eye from the proprietor that is always at the cash register when you walk in.
Going off the Colorado thread. Question for guys from all parts of the country. Do you feel everyone is on edge in your town or city? In Colorado, no matter what store you go into, especially a small merchant, or large, such as a Walmart, liquor store, Ace Hardware etc, when you enter, you can "feel the eyes upon you". I 've been living here for almost 25 years, and I've never felt this before. The store clerks just have an uneasiness about them and rightfully so I suppose.

Sad really. You seeing it? Feeling it?
Since 2020, are you aware that A LOT of people working at cash registers (retail, grocery, c-stores…) have a bluetooth speaker in one ear and are often talking to someone on their phone while they ring you up?

They may not talk while waiting on you… but they are preoccupied by someone on the other end.
Going off the Colorado thread. Question for guys from all parts of the country. Do you feel everyone is on edge in your town or city? In Colorado, no matter what store you go into, especially a small merchant, or large, such as a Walmart, liquor store, Ace Hardware etc, when you enter, you can "feel the eyes upon you". I 've been living here for almost 25 years, and I've never felt this before. The store clerks just have an uneasiness about them and rightfully so I suppose.

Sad really. You seeing it? Feeling it?
Not like that in Boise that I can recall.