Do you eat breakfast?

On a normal day, do you eat breakfast?

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Always. I try to get 2500-3000 clean calories, and 250-200 grams of protein, daily. That’s not happening without a hearty breakfast.
Yes ,every day. Up at 3AM and have a cup of coffee then run a couple miles then breakfast at 430. 3 eggs,1/3 lb homemade pan sausage and a cup of uncooked oats with a scoop of protein powder in it. That will last till 9AM. I have a big block metabolism ,I get terrible gas mileage.
I do the banana and oatmeal thing. Coffee too. After 60 could not eat breakfast (normal eggs bicuits gravy etc) anymore seems to give me the trots right after eating. I can eat later in the day but not early like the old days.