Do you eat breakfast?

On a normal day, do you eat breakfast?

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I typically wake up at 3 AM to workout and work up quite the appetite. Breakfast is typically my favorite meal & best tasting meal. I'll have four eggs, 6 pieces of chicken sausage, with two protein yogurt drinks. Sometimes I'm lazy or running late and I'll have a breakfast sandwich at dunkin or from work with three protein yogurt drinks. On the weekends, I grew up having big breakfastes, so I usually keep to that. This past weekend it was fried eggs, thick cut bacon, green chili, and papas with a flour tortilla.
I like eating breakfast. It doesn’t matter how early or late I eat it, I’m still ready to eat dinner around 11AM and supper around 5PM.
In general no but sometimes a protein and collagen shake. Anytime I'm doing something physical in the AM or sitting in the cold I'll eat breakfast.
My buddy works without breakfast, sometimes well before breakfast.:LOL:

I get up around 5:30. Coffee first. Usually the first thing I eat is a banana and a piece or two of jerky around 9:30. I have no idea how people can spend the time to make eggs, hashbrowns etc before heading out to work. I just can't do it.
working and typing doesn't work out so well for me, haha. I usually type what I hear 🤦‍♂️
No matter the goal losing weight or building muscle always start the day with 40-50+ grams of protein weekends included. Typical work day leave house by 5:30am and home around 6:30pm. I’d be an angry SOB if I did not eat breakfast and take a cooler with enough food to last all day.

Mostly protein powder, fruit, peanut butter, eggs, and or high protein Greek yogurt.
Rarely if ever no matter the day. Do like breakfast foods though - just don't spend the time. Not even when hunting; though, might have a yogurt or oatmeal then.
I use heavy cream in my coffee so get some fat calories either way. On days I lift weights I either have breakfast or a protein shake. On leg day I have the shake and usually 4 eggs as well.

If I have some flexibility in my work day and am not traveling I generally have my first meal around 11:00 am which may be breakfast or lunch foods but protein focused. I eat dinner around 6:00.
Ever since I was a kid, if I try to eat anything right after I get up.......I'll throw it up (if it even makes it down)......makes me nauseous. I have to wait at least 2-3 hours after getting up, so might as well wait until lunch. But I have to have my coffee every morning, and I'm good. Works great for hunting........get up, have coffee, get dressed, and go.

But I do eat breakfast for lunch or dinner sometimes.
On a normal day, I wake up at 4:30 am get dressed for the gym, and slam a slice of toast with peanut butter and honey. workout for an hour and when I get home I make this same breakfast every day. Basically, I scramble three eggs and cook four slices of turkey bacon. I place those ingredients in a burrito-sized tortilla and add a little cheese and salsa. After that, I toast the sides of the burrito and that's it. Usually, I wrap it up in some foil and I'm off to work by 7:00 am. It's super simple but since I normally don't have a ton of time in the morning it's an easy quick meal to make. Also if you guys are super strapped for time, you can make a ton of these at once and freeze them for later.
I remember starting to pay attention to sugars and figured out I could have a piece of cake and snickers bar for less sugar than my morning bowl of granola :ROFLMAO:
It is pretty eye opening to see. When I started paying attention, I remember looking at flavored yogurt and ice cream. 2/3 of a cup of ice cream has the same sugar content as 3/4 cup of flavored yogurt.

I dont count sugars like some do but I have started to watch more and more labels and eliminate/reduce when I can.
Mon-Fri - no. If I eat in the morning it kickstarts my metabolism and I'm almost shaking light headed by 11, especially if I eat carbs and induce an insulin response. Primarily low carb/keto-vore diet, intermittent fast from 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m the next day, try not to snack between lunch and dinner. A cup or 2 of black coffee in the morning, a pinch of Grizzly for brunch. I try to stay hydrated and keep sodium levels adequate.

Weekends - sometimes. If we're going hiking I'll cheat and grab a shitty beef 'n bean or tornados, as long as I can start burning energy shortly after eating. In the off seasons I'll take my wife out and we'll split an eggs Bene plate and have a breakfast beer.

Backpack hunting - no. Usually just an electrolyte drink and try to make it to lunch.
I don't eat until 11 and will have overnight oats, mixed with a scoop of protein and greek yogurt. The 7pm-11am fast works well for me.
For the last year breakfast has consisted of butter coffee. Put some heavy cream and honey in it and I'm satisfied till lunch where usually I snack on meat sticks and a granola bar.

My wife recently got into sourdough though and she's been making a discard blueberry muffin which has been absolutely phenomenal.