DIY Moose Hunt Price

We booked our hunt in 2015 for about $5600 per person for the hunt, had about $8000 apiece in the hunt after all expenses were figured. We both got moose on our hunt. I am working toward going back, but it takes more saving for sure today. Everything is going up.

I wonder how much affect point creep in the lower 48 is having on prices as more hunters turn to AK looking for opportunity. I also wonder how many people went to AK on a "once in a lifetime" hunt like I did and fell in love with the place, keep finding ways to go back.
We booked our hunt in 2015 for about $5600 per person for the hunt, had about $8000 apiece in the hunt after all expenses were figured. We both got moose on our hunt. I am working toward going back, but it takes more saving for sure today. Everything is going up.

I wonder how much affect point creep in the lower 48 is having on prices as more hunters turn to AK looking for opportunity. I also wonder how many people went to AK on a "once in a lifetime" hunt like I did and fell in love with the place, keep finding ways to go back.

My wife and I did just that. Went in 22 on a caribou hunt. Fell in love and have been talking about going back ever since. And here we are. 2024 moosin on a float hunt!

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I bought a $495 plane ticket and will be buying an OTC tag. I will be staying out in the bush for maximum 10 days. I may not be successful but no way I’d spend asinine amounts of money for the possibility of killing a legal bull moose.

To each their own and I understand where you are coming from.

We are going for the adventure first and foremost. By far the craziest and most extreme hunt her and I have done. 4 days in the Arctic is the only other trip we’ve done that compares. I’m hoping this one is more comfortable than sleeping on shell rock up a ridge with howling wind the entire time as well as being covered in grizzlies. (Although the bears weren’t a big deal even though they ate her entire bou)

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I bought a $495 plane ticket and will be buying an OTC tag. I will be staying out in the bush for maximum 10 days. I may not be successful but no way I’d spend asinine amounts of money for the possibility of killing a legal bull moose.

Hope you have a great hunt. Between truck and boat, I’ll spend more in fuel to get to my spot than your plane ticket cost, and I live here!

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How about in Canada?
Last year we paid about 4,000 CAD each x 4 guys in Quebec, Canada. Cabin, with a shower, boat with no motor, had to bring our own generator. Self guided. Pain to get to the place and English is not the main language up there.
I recently look into diy moose hunt in ak and was blown away with the cost. Ended up booking a hunt in Alberta for half the cost of Alaska. Definitely not a yukon moose but I’ll be fine with that.
I have looked into Canada as well being in Idaho it is was more driveable if want to and like you said the cost is way more reasonable.
Im looking hard at Newfoundland (crap ton of moose but logistics are more of a hurdle), Alberta (lowere moose densities, remote and still trophy class bulls) and AK (unguided and looking for more information on cost). I’m open to info on a DIY AK moose hunt whether it be floating a river system or via bush plane.
Wrapping up my logistics for Sept. I'll be all in right around 11k. Something tells me these cheap prices being posted aren't taking certain things into consideration. I'm counting tags, transport, meat etc. Only thing I'm not counting is gear which I'll most likely use again or sell used. Oh and that's not being handcuffed with time. I get dropped off day or 2 before season and call when ready to be picked up.
In the good old days of the '80s, I was lucky enough to have drawn two Montana bull moose tags and my hunting partner drew another one. All 3 tags were in an area about 100 miles from my home. I got a 50" and a 40" bulls, and my friend shot a high Montana B&C bull.

We used my horses to pack them out, and each bull took 3 horse trips to pack him out. The total cost of each hunt was the $25 tag and a tank of gas. The hunt for my 2nd bull moose was a DIY solo hunt, just me, my 2 horses, and my dog.

Twenty five or so years ago another friend and I talked about doing a DIY moose hunt in Alaska, but the realization of two guys packing two or even one Alaskan bull moose out put the dampers on that hunt.

I turned 79 today and I still want to do an Alaskan moose hunt, but I think doing it DIY is out of the question.
I use a transporter to fly me out every other year for a float hunt. Coming from the lower 48 all in was about 2900$ my first trip. This year will probably be around the same and that's being an AK resident with only bush flights to pay for. The off years I just hunt moose around the house.

There's a big difference in price when using a transporter for their hunting spots than there is for one that you have put in the time and effort to find for yourself.
comparing prices can be tough. do you drive up and hunt the road system?
do you fly up and fly out of the major city? do you fly up and then fly to a village and then fly out from the village?

I am taking the wife on a remote fly out fishing raft trip for almost 2 weeks in july. that trip is coming close to $10,000 all in for both of us and it is not a hunting trip. The more plane ride you take, the less people(usually) but the more cost's involved.
comparing prices can be tough. do you drive up and hunt the road system?
do you fly up and fly out of the major city? do you fly up and then fly to a village and then fly out from the village?

I am taking the wife on a remote fly out fishing raft trip for almost 2 weeks in july. that trip is coming close to $10,000 all in for both of us and it is not a hunting trip. The more plane ride you take, the less people(usually) but the more cost's involved.

Very good point. I'll happily pay more for no time constraints.
Just booked a hunt for me and my wife in Sep. the transport flight in and out is 8k. Add $3500 if we fly out two moose. Raft rental is about 2k. $900 for airfare to Alaska. Plus tags.

At minimum it’s going to be about $6000 per person. Will be in a unit with antler restrictions but was assured we would have opportunities at legal bulls.

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Huh! I don't think that I would ever ever assure someone that they would have opportunities at legal bull moose. There are no guarantees man