DIY Moose Hunt Price

Huh! I don't think that I would ever ever assure someone that they would have opportunities at legal bull moose. There are no guarantees man

Passed on this guy. He was too close to 50” for me to tell my wife to shoot. I had him between 48-52 inches.


This was killed by another group. 65”. Hunter admittedly got lucky. With that said, I’d take that luck. For reference I’m 5’9 and 170 pounds

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How did you measure this bull?

Is you are talking about the one in the field, I had 15 seconds of an unobstructed view to look at him. I started by trying to count his tines. He had three brows on one side and two on the other. That took several seconds. Then I looked at hike a used 10” between his eye sockets and tried to judge him from there. To me he was super close and I wasn’t sure. Then he moved down a tree line. Stopping a few times. Each time he stopped he was behind trees or brush and never with his vitals open enough for a guaranteed clean shot for my wife. She was shooting her 7wsm with Berger 168 hybrids so even if he was legal it should have been threading a needle through branches and limbs for a back or high lung shot. All in total, we saw this moose for less than 5 mins.

Afterwards, I pulled the moose up ok my digital camera since I filmed him and used a ruler with both metric mm and standard 32” measurements to measure from outside of eye socket then extrapolated from tip to tip and I kept coming up with somewhere very close to 50. Tried zooming in using my phone until the eye sockets were exactly 1/4” and measured to the nearest 32” and still came up with very close to 50”.

Shortly after this (within 3 hours) fish and game buzzed our location and hovered around us in a green helicopter checking hunting camps down our river. I felt comfortable that I may have avoided a major game violation.

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Yeppers, I've watched more than a few walk away. Not knowing exactly what I'm shooting at. But was good to know that I had an opportunity. Hunting is still great even if you don't shoot. Always stay positive have fun