Digiscoping - Magview vs. Ollin

Based on the recommendation from ldrathman, I pulled the trigger on the scope cam adapter. I'll post a review once I get it and get some use it.

The reason I decided on this route was the fact that it solved my biggest con of each the ollin and the magview. Biggest ollin con was the separate case. Scopecam solves that. Biggest magview con is that it wasn't indexible.

That and the scope cam product will work on any spotter and binos--for $120--less than half the cost of magview.

Now--we'll see how well it works.
I just placed an order as well, can’t wait to try it out in a few weeks.
Picked up an ollin and I'm completely happy with it. Threw my phonescope stuff right in the trash

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I've had my MagView B2 for about a month of steady use now. My review would be about the same as others I'm reading.

-No special case or bulky eye piece adapter to fish out of your pack everytime you need to digiscope.

-You can easily move this to another phone if needed without hunting for a new case.

-You can't use the wireless charging function, but as mentioned it's easy to switch back to another case when you're not hunting.

-It does take a bit of adjustment once attached but it's literally just a few seconds and it doesn't moved one attached. I've left mine attached while my phone and binos are on a window mount and it held alignment over some washboards on the road.

Overall, I'm really happy with this product. I'm sure it will be improved upon in the future but I like that I can pull my phone out of my pocket at anytime and begin filming without digging for a case. As far as the price, spending $20-$30 on a meal that's going down a pipe in a few hours is an accepted norm so the price of this case didn't bother me. A product is worth as much as people will pay for it.
Based on the recommendation from ldrathman, I pulled the trigger on the scope cam adapter. I'll post a review once I get it and get some use it.

The reason I decided on this route was the fact that it solved my biggest con of each the ollin and the magview. Biggest ollin con was the separate case. Scopecam solves that. Biggest magview con is that it wasn't indexible.

That and the scope cam product will work on any spotter and binos--for $120--less than half the cost of magview.

Now--we'll see how well it works.
I just ordered this for my kowa 88. Wanted to get kowa's Universal adapter but could not find anyone who sold it in the US. This one is very similar to the kowa. Looking forward to using it. Looks like quality and is a local business.
I bought the magview first tried it for week off the backporch and it took forever to get the thing to line up so I could see anything. Read about the ollin tried it out and got it the first try. I thought the Ollin quicker to use. The case doesn't really bother me as I keep it in my pack.
I just ordered this for my kowa 88. Wanted to get kowa's Universal adapter but could not find anyone who sold it in the US. This one is very similar to the kowa. Looking forward to using it. Looks like quality and is a local business.
Update. I got the scopecam adapter. Wow. That is a well thought out adapter. Anyone considering digiscoping with a phone does not need to consider anything else. Beautifully machined, no plastic, simple to use, secure and will fit anything.
Ollin seems like it's got to be the truth. I have the magview and after a season of use it truly is annoying trying to get it aligned. Hate that I am spending the cash twice to try and figure out this problem, but the magview really ain't much faster than phonescope. I almost never get it perfectly centered first try.
Also, to those saying use the grid - it wasn't helpful to me. Reason being, even when you would go slow to try and align it perfectly at some point the strength of the magnet forces the phone to the spotter really fast and all your careful alignment goes out the window. Ya you can move it in a couple of seconds and what not but I did miss animals this year due to this. Also, the magnet is super strong so sometimes when you make those adjustments and you're looking at something really far away it moves the spotter and it turns into a whole fiasco. I look forward to trying Ollin after my disappointment with Magview. Any con the Ollin has will hopefully be washed away by perfect indexing every time.
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Just got a leupold sx-5 and I'm still torn after reading all this discussion on which adapter to get. Well, I guess it really is between ollin or scopecam. Any other users with either or for a leupold?
Just picked up an Ollin and besides its ability to index perfectly every time, I was pleasantly surprised in the 'smallish' size of the phone case. I usually hunt with my phone in my pant pocket and don't really notice the Ollin case. Not as bulky as Phoneskope IMHO...
Just picked up an Ollin and besides its ability to index perfectly every time, I was pleasantly surprised in the 'smallish' size of the phone case. I usually hunt with my phone in my pant pocket and don't really notice the Ollin case. Not as bulky as Phoneskope IMHO...
Ollin seems like it itll be perfect for me. Im not going to run the phone case year round but always have it in the rig and don't think I'll mind running it full time during hunting season. LOVE THE INDEXING!!!!