Digiscoping - Magview vs. Ollin

I thought that I would do the same and that the adapter would bother me or hinder my glassing experience in some way. After trying both ways and going back and forth I found that the eye piece adapter from Ollin doesn’t negatively affect my glassing in any way so now I just leave it on at all times for the sake of convenience. Another reason to keep it on at all times is that the magnetic eyepiece cap is much nicer then the cheap one that comes with most spotting scopes. I’ve been really impressed with the whole system.

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@dwhicker this is what I was wondering as well. good to hear the eye piece adapter doesn't have a negative impact on glassing. Can you effectively glass with your phone snapped on or is it best to glass thru the eye piece, find what you are looking for and then snap your phone on?
@dwhicker this is what I was wondering as well. good to hear the eye piece adapter doesn't have a negative impact on glassing. Can you effectively glass with your phone snapped on or is it best to glass thru the eye piece, find what you are looking for and then snap your phone on?

I do it both ways quite frequently. It’s very doable to snap my phone on and glass that way but I find I’m a bit quicker just glassing through the eyepiece and finding my target, and then throwing the phone on. That’s what I love about it is how quick and seamless it is to go from glassing to videoing to glassing again.

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I do it both ways quite frequently. It’s very doable to snap my phone on and glass that way but I find I’m a bit quicker just glassing through the eyepiece and finding my target, and then throwing the phone on. That’s what I love about it is how quick and seamless it is to go from glassing to videoing to glassing again.

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awesome...good to know. thank you

Absolutely love my Ollin! Snaps on square every time and holds!!

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For the scopecam do you guys prefer the mag option or the full universal? Seems like the mag version would index easier but the universal would be nice for the inevitable phone upgrade
I suspect many who are having a hard time lining up the magview don't use the app. It's really simple. The glare issue discussed comes from Bulky cases with the camera deep set from the metal plate. Mine works fabulously and all I need are additional metal plates when I switch phones or cases. I'm not interested in anything that requires a specific phone case.
Ollin = no line up. Ready In split second

No Ollin app = take pic from home screen and not having to open phone to find app and deal with app updates.

Sure requires it’s own case and I don’t like that but the pros of how quick / simple / EZ it is to use outweighs any short falls.

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I just received my Magview yesterday and it’s very easy to lineup the camera if using the app. not sure how people can have difficulty with such an easy task. took me 5 seconds on first try.
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I just received my Magview yesterday and it’s very easy to lineup the camera if using the app. not sure how people can have difficulty with such an easy task. took me 5 seconds on first try.
Takes me zero seconds to put my phone case onto the magnet and open the camera

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When I try to open my Ollin app it seems to get stuck on the start-up image, any suggestions to get to the next step? iPhone 12 Pro fyi.
When I try to open my Ollin app it seems to get stuck on the start-up image, any suggestions to get to the next step? iPhone 12 Pro fyi.

I never tried the app but I just checked the Apple Store and it had bad reviews (same prob you said). Maybe they went a diff direction and didn’t require the app.

I know I don’t need the app to use - let
Me know what ya figure out

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I’ll play with it this weekend but I deleted the app and will plan on using the standard camera or Snapchat’s camera mode. Thanks for the help!
I use the magview currently but considering the Ollin. Reason is because I have grown to hate the part that flips out that has the magnet in it the phone rests on. It just seems to be in my way all the time. I leave the adapter on all the time as taking it on and off is a pain and is a good way to loose it.
Anyone with an Ollin only place the magnetic ring on the eyepiece when they want to digiscope? Not sure I want to leave it on as I really like the cap system of the Swaro ATC.
Anyone with an Ollin only place the magnetic ring on the eyepiece when they want to digiscope? Not sure I want to leave it on as I really like the cap system of the Swaro ATC.
I have an atx so not the same. I like the magnetic cap for the ollin so I've never taken mine off. It's been solid.

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I have an atx so not the same. I like the magnetic cap for the ollin so I've never taken mine off. It's been solid.

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The ATC/STC/ATX/STX actually all share the same eyepiece, but the objective cover on the ATC doesn't have a tether - instead it nests in the Swarovski eyepiece cover. May be able to make it work on the Ollin cover but I doubt it.
I only have a magview, but the indexing was my main concern with it as well, and I will say that its not as bad as I thought it would be. Look through your camera at your phone screen, find the light spot through the scope, follow it down until the magnet clicks, and then you maybe have to adjust it 1mm... and not always.
This.......I called MagView regarding my B1 and guy explained it the same way. tested and it works like cornfedkiller stated.
However the B1 (binos) and S1 (spotter) connect differently.
I own/owned both. Ollin is the best thing since sliced bread. Indexes perfectly and on my spotter, I can leave adapter on and it has a cover built in. Works amazing.

You guys speak of an ollin app. I didn’t know one existed. I’ve always used the normal camera app.

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I want to add that you do not have to use the Magview App. You can turn the grid feature on your camera in the settings. There is no need to use the App unless your phone doesnt support the grid setting. At least for iPhones, not sure about Androids.