Quite a few post already, not sure if you will get down this far. This is a very gross generalization.
Here are my thoughts. For my money I would not hunt sheep in Alaska as a non-resident guided outside of the draw hunts in Tok and Chugiak. The odds of success are too low, some own-use areas are better, than the general areas.
So no for general areas in the Brooks and other areas, yes for draw tags, maybe for own use. Do a lot of research. $25,000-$40,000
Yukon and NWT for Dall $30,000-50,000 this is where I would hunt Dall. There are a lot of outfitters, some are famous like Raven's Throat and Red River. Find one you like and go. Do research, there are some not so great areas.
Yukon for Fannin and Stone. Same as above double the price.
BC for Stone $80-150,000, be highly selective in who you go with. There are several guys that don't actually have enough rams in their unit to kill the number of rams they sell hunts for.
Alberta and BC for California or Rocky Mountain Bighorns same as above.
Reservation tags and private land tags in the USA for Deserts and Bighorns. Prices vary could be $80,000-200,000. Private land tags like Ted Turners place near Truth or Consequences NM is an option, I would consider if I was serious about a desert.
Mexico high fence deserts, there are private land high fence hunts in Mexico that count for Boone and Crocket. These are cheaper.
Mexico free range deserts these are slightly more expensive.
Carmen Island Deserts most expensive.
If I was going to do one hunt, I would do a combo hunt in the Yukon, BC or NWT for caribou, moose, bears, wolves, maybe mountain goats and sheep. Thes seasons may not align in the NWT the way they do in BC an the Yukon. 21 day type hunt horse back. Weather will suck, hopefully you will see everything and have good shots and getting everything, it will be the epic adventure of a lifetime.
Alaska may offer some kind of a combo.
Ranch hunts in Texas and New Mexico and Mexico might offer another species like mule deer, oryx or Barbary sheep.
If I had $150,000 to blow on a once in a lifetime hunt, it would be in the Yukon or BC with the best outfitter I could book. For stones, moose, goat, caribou, bears and wolves.