Hey everyone. I've attached an interesting read here, hopefully you can view it. I have a 15 Duramax GMC. I've never really noticed anything that will significantly increase fuel mileage or fuel economy, so what I am most interested in is lessening the wear on the engine and internal components, while of course trying to balance price. I've been using the Diesel Kleen in my truck at every fuel up and I have not had any issues. While it isn't the best additive, according to this research, it is affordable and readily available. I used to use Shaeffers, which tests better, may go back to that soon. I would buy Optilube XPD if I wanted to spend more money, which seems to be the best additive, but so far I don't really see the need. I also run Royal Purple 15w40 and RP oil filter and change the oil every 7000 miles. Maybe someday I'll do an Amsoil system but haven't fully looked into it yet. I live in Texas so not worried about low temperatures, only high temperatures here. I hope this helps.