Alright, let mine be the lonely voice confirming your worst nightmares. For 5-day hunt (= 4 nights), you do not need a DT1 plus guide lid, grab it, and pockets, even in the winter. What on earth could anyone be planning to carry that s/he will need almost 10,000 cubic inches for four nights? I have a DT1--great for extended (7-10-day) hunts, but I've never been able to convince myself that all the extra baggage, space, etc. is worth the hassle. I've experimented with all sorts of packs since purchasing the DT1, and sold or returned every single one, except the DT1. Now I have a Tahr on order, which, with a guide lid, grab-it, and pockets, I hope will work for overnight to 5-night trips.
I asked the same questions you're asking just before I ordered my DT1, and the feedback on this forum is what convinced me to go with a larger bag. I don't regret the decision; when you need big, there are no alternatives, and those side pockets are super useful when you need them (which is not always). But my DT1 gets put on the frame for a single, long hunt (longer than what you're planning) once each year. Otherwise, I prefer a leaner, more minimalist pack. So, my system is one massive bag for massive trips usually in winter conditions, and a smaller, scalable pack for everything else.
I used to think that if I had to choose one pack to do it all, I should have gone with a DT2, which scales up and down easily. But now that the Tahr, Markhor, Argali line is available, maybe one or two of those packs would work instead.
My 2-cents--others will disagree.