Good episode and gives mule deer hunters a window into the management decisions and concerns that set seasons and regulations. A lot to think about.
I'm not very familiar with Colorado but it came up in the podcast and recently on the forum about the decline in age class since the previous 5-yr plan moved the season later in the year. It brought up a lot of discussion on trade-offs. What do hunters want and what are they willing to give up. Based on the response to CPW most hunters were willing to give up some age class in exchange for late season hunting opportunity. It is an interesting trade-off and it will be interesting to see if it still holds majority support in another 5 years.
Brandon and Robby touched on a couple interesting points regarding doe harvest. When the population can handle it doe harvest can be a good thing for buck hunters, every doe hunter is someone who is not killing bucks. Makes me think about how in the good ol' days of mule deer hunting in Idaho the seasons were long and tags were either sex, with some years allowing two tags per hunter. A lot of does were killed back then, and a lot of big bucks. The two are not mutually exclusive under the right circumstances.
I appreciated the intellectual honesty of Robby and Brandon to discuss the small subset of hunters that are focused on big bucks and that those type sometimes use "herd health" as a synonym of "big buck numbers" and it's not the same thing but they are related.
Overall a well balanced discussion that acknowledged and addressed the pros and cons of each topic. Well done and thanks for continuing to put out this type of content.