Did Colorado Bucks Survive the 5-year Plan?

I love all of the podcasts with people in the industry. It is so interesting to always hear from the different states on how things are going with conservation and management.
Thanks Mark for the listen.

I get these guys on because most hunters have never spoken to a biologist, outside of asking for a unit to hunt. I don't mean that as a slam, either, but when I talk to a bio about this stuff, I'm often surprised how little I really understand big game management.
great Podcast Robby, Brandon Diamond is a straight shooter. As an avid shed hunter in the Gunnison Basin, I can tell you that the days of mature bucks are gone, forkys are the norm now days. Elk herd seems to be thriving though.
great Podcast Robby, Brandon Diamond is a straight shooter. As an avid shed hunter in the Gunnison Basin, I can tell you that the days of mature bucks are gone, forkys are the norm now days. Elk herd seems to be thriving though.
Thanks for the listen. Sad indeed.
So I guess they survived?

Not really sure I caught that.

So CO doesn’t have any option for submitting your own samples?

Mandatory in person 8-5 in all the locations I saw.
So I guess they survived?

Not really sure I caught that.

So CO doesn’t have any option for submitting your own samples?

Mandatory in person 8-5 in all the locations I saw.
Hey man, thanks for the listen, yeah they survived and while buck to doe ratios are pretty good and fawn recruitment is good, everyone including the guest agrees age class has really taken a hit 😢

Yeah, mandatory in person is the only option.
That’s to bad. MT fish and game has a good video on how to take your sample.
I shipped mine in a small flat rate with an ice pack last year and got my results no problem.
oh, I didn't know there was an option to mail it in. If Colorado wants high compliance, they need to offer that. Very few hunters will inconvience themselves much to submit a sample...
Had Brandon Diamond, Colorado biologist, back on the Rokcast…
Excellent episode Robby. I listend to the whole thing. As a CO resident who has hunted the Gunnison Basin with a doe tag (successfully) this is some of the most amazing country to hunt. I always appreciate hearing from professionals like Brandon because he really sees the entire scope of what's happening from the hunting side to the conservation side. I do not envy the work he does and am thankful for men like him. It's great to heat our deer herds are thriving, despite the rumors. Let's talk about the data!!!!!!! I get that guys want to hunt big bucks but I would argue there are even more guys who just want to hunt any deer on a consistent basis. As an adult onset hunter my first big game in Colorado was my mule deer doe. I had the time of my life hunting along side my dad and brothers. I do also appreciate his points on the technological advances in hunting and how that has changed things. I think he describes it in a way that should make everyone want to listen to the episode for themselves.
I enjoyed this episode. Two big takeaways for me.

1. I think the average hunter (me included) would indeed prefer opportunity over trophy.

2. As a community we need to seriously consider the impact of technology. Cell cams, online scouting services, 1,000 yd shooting, teams of people tracking animals all year long ... I'd love to see regulations against game cams on public lands and move one season to straight wall cartridges and open sights