Recoil: 243 Win vs 6mm ARC

Dec 17, 2019
For those who have shot both, how would you rate the felt recoil for 243 vs 6mm ARC? I know the ARC is gonna be less recoil, but I'm wondering how noticeable the difference would be, especially for a smaller person. I'm leaning towards picking up a 243 youth rifle because of ammo availability (I don't reload). But if the recoil is significantly less with the ARC, I'm willing to take the chance that ARC offerings will become more common over time.
For those who have shot both, how would you rate the felt recoil for 243 vs 6mm ARC? I know the ARC is gonna be less recoil, but I'm wondering how noticeable the difference would be, especially for a smaller person. I'm leaning towards picking up a 243 youth rifle because of ammo availability (I don't reload). But if the recoil is significantly less with the ARC, I'm willing to take the chance that ARC offerings will become more common over time.
It’s noticeably better, IMO, for youth and smaller shooters.

It’s much closer to a .223 rem than a .243z
I have not shot either one (yet), so I cannot speak from personal experience. However, I recently asked a similar question, and it turned into a lengthy .243 vs 6ARC there are a lot of comments about the pros/cons of both cartridges in this thread (linked below) from folks who are much more knowledgeable than I am... thought you might find it helpful.

With the same bullet being shot in 6 ARC and 243, you will see somewhere between 30-35% less recoil in the same weight gun with the 6 ARC.
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If you are worried about a difference in recoil put a muzzle brake on it. I put a three port brake on a .243 for my kids to shoot. No recoil. My oldest son was 7 when he first shot it. My other son was 6.
Neither one is going to do more on game than a 223. If recoil is your primary criterion, get a 223. You really do have to go up to at least .25 to beat .22.
I am building a 6arc (just waiting on the stock). I did have a 6 arc gas gun but have not shot a 6 arc bolt gun. Based on cartridge capacity I’d expect the 6 arc to be less recoil. My daughter shoots the 243 lights out. My younger son seems to be recoil sensitive. He wants to shoot elk. We have at 24 caliber restriction in our state for elk or I’d go with the 223.