Deception in the hunting community

I think its funny when they try to make these hunts sound tough...

.....but then they start the show saying, "We only have 3 days to get this done"

Sometimes its true...I took this sheep on a 3 day hunt. Cant tell you how many miles I hiked, but I did lose 4 toe nails a few weeks later. I doubt I slept 8 total hours in those 3 days and a large portion of those days were hiking with a heavy pack.



30 straight hours of sheep hunting...and still a longgg descent to camp.


I do agree that in many cases, hunts are glamorized to make them more marketable to the audience. But, not all 3 day hunts are created equally.

I've had some 1-3 day elk hunts that were no picnic...
Looks like a nice Tazlina ram. Congrats!

Yeah, I was very lucky and fortunate to take a ram of that quality, probably better than I deserved really. Glad I went when I did, would like to do it one more time before I get too old, but not likely. But, I'm content with the ram I have and would be hard pressed to get one much better.

It was a good year to hunt sheep...all of these rams are over 160, and 5 of the 6 rams had horns over 40...and the one that didn't was 39.5 on the long horn.

Congratulations on a great ram BuzzH. It looks like you have the makings for an excellent hunting article or a long nauseating advertisement. I don't know you at all, but with over half of the hunting magazine I subscribe to being advertisement, I would think the publishers would be content with that, but they are pushing for more commercialism. Tell us about your hunt. I agree three days is not the issue, but if you are going to write something, tell us the story about hunting this fine ram. If the hunt was done for television, the same concern applies. We have to endure the advertisements. Isn't that enough? Again congrats.
Congratulations on a great ram BuzzH. It looks like you have the makings for an excellent hunting article or a long nauseating advertisement. I don't know you at all, but with over half of the hunting magazine I subscribe to being advertisement, I would think the publishers would be content with that, but they are pushing for more commercialism. Tell us about your hunt. I agree three days is not the issue, but if you are going to write something, tell us the story about hunting this fine ram. If the hunt was done for television, the same concern applies. We have to endure the advertisements. Isn't that enough? Again congrats.

This hunt was a while ago and although I've done more than my share of hunting, I've never bothered to publish a story in a magazine. I have kept detailed personal journals for about 3 decades of all my time spent hunting and fishing.

I don't mind sharing stories on sites like this, but have no desire to start trying to profit from what I do in my free time to get away from the rat-race of work and life. Hunting will never be a job for me. As a good friend said one time, "The days you spend outdoors...hunting, fishing, trapping...those days don't count against you..." He's was 100% right.
To get a show you need a good looking wife who hunts. Pure ratings right there.
Where can I sign up for one of those? My last girlfriend, hated that I went hunting. I'd like to have one that wants to go. Hell, I almost had to drag my brother around Wyoming last year.

Finding a hunting partner is very tough. Finding one of the opposite sex, is even tougher. I'm definitely looking for a unicorn on the Hot/Crazy Matrix (look it up).

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BuzzH: Thanks for the explanation. Because of your defense of the three day hunt, I thought you were a writer or sponsored hunter. At any rate the ram you got is a great trophy.
BTW: Just because someone is guided, sponsored, or is a writer does not take anything away from the challenge of the hunt or the quality of the animal(s). I was expressing my opinion about what hunting stories are preferred and worth reading or watching. My personal disapproval of commercialized hunting is reflected in the fact I have quit purchasing hunting magazines, and I don't subscribe to any outdoor channel. I do watch videos on Youtube when one can be found that looks interesting.
You forgot this gem...#sickforit

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The other one I get a kick out of is the guys that need to change their underwear after talking about how hunting makes them feel.

(In really serious, heavy voice) Ahhhhh I'm one with nature and the environment. I am the spirit of the wolf, hunting takes me back to the roots of my ancestors. Blah blah we get it it's really cool to be out hunting and it makes you feel good.

Watched "Raised Hunting" once and couldn't stop laughing. Jim Shockey is guilty of it too.
As a eastern hunter I can say it has all but ruined the hunting I grew up doing. As a kid I could hunt every farm in my township, now unless I want to spend thousands on a lease I can't hunt nothing. I've been saying for years tv hunting was gona change the sport for the bad and here we are, greed and ego's have forever changed the landscape of former huting g ground. To me it's funny, In The last several years so many hunters are blowing gobs over the thought of leasing there 100 acres and farming 200" deer j a state that struggles to produce a 150". I miss the tradition and loathe the compotition

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This brings me to the sad truth, The largest group of suicides are middle age white males. Is anything sacred anymore? Hunt because you love to. Forget posting pictures and getting glory. There are more haters than lovers anyway.

Trying to be great is a very slippery slope.
Is anything sacred anymore? Hunt because you love to. Forget posting pictures and getting glory.

That is half of it. The other half, don't push your horn porn on the rest of us. Not everyone measures success in inches of bone. Quit trying to increase your chances of success by regulating what others shoot.
This brings me to the sad truth, The largest group of suicides are middle age white males.

I never would have guessed that. I never see anything on any news about that. It's always the teenagers and under 30 crowd I see or hear about. I can't even think of one middle aged white male suicide that I've heard of.
And so it continues.... another year without an elk for our elk expert. I find it funny that during his private land days he was an elk killer but now, when he truly has to hunt OTC Public land spots success is nonexistent. Karma?
Hunting shows and articles serve a purpose. They hype the sport and help stir interest. This is a double edge sword, as more people hunting means a crowd and competition. On the other hand, more people involved in the sport means a bigger voice to protect our rights from those forces who want to take away our rights to hunt.

The "fake" or deceptive shows and articles, just more noise to sort through if you care...
Many people have been able to take advantage of social media to get their claim to fame in the hunting industry. It's really watered down the integrity of hunting IMO and lost what the true meaning of hunting and conservation is. The Hush Life bros are a great example of this and feel like they have brought in this whole "bro" style of hunting with their flatbills🤢 and their following just comes off as super douche-bagish. I just feel like people want to get their name out for the wrong reasons. Everyone seems to want to be a star nowadays.

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The "Hush Life Bros" are a great example of public land hunters and fighting hard to keep public land in public hands! They are also more knowledgeable about conservation than most hunters. If you spent anytime watching their hunting videos, you'd realize they are a great group of guys making a positive impact on the hunting industry.
The "Hush Life Bros" are a great example of public land hunters and fighting hard to keep public land in public hands! They are also more knowledgeable about conservation than most hunters. If you spent anytime watching their hunting videos, you'd realize they are a great group of guys making a positive impact on the hunting industry.
Those guys just started hunting a few years back, same with the Mtn Ops guys. Not sure they are the best advocates for public land. They are social media junkies.

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