Deception in the hunting community

I never did watch many hunting shows, but my new TV package doesn't include the Outdoor channel, so that takes away any temptation. The only thing i'll miss is every Friday night they showed an old western. I'm a junkee for westerns.
Lot's of smoke and mirrors within the hunting industry now days. Seems most companies care more about social media following, likes and IG accounts than they do about the people out there actually using their gear/equipment to continually promote the brand, the sport, the passion and ultimately achieve success of notching their tags.
Here are some things I enjoy and things I don't like in a hunting show:
1. Drama. I want to see the difficulties, and special challenges a hunter experienced. The bull hung up for a few seconds, or even took off is not enough. I want to experience the hunt with them. Even if I am in my living room I want to feel what they experienced. A good story teller can make that happen. Were his muscles on fire before reaching Far Off ridge just after daylight? Did he hear a faint bugle in Dark Canyon, and based on that come up with a plan? I am interested in things like that.
2. I would like to see some strategy. How did the hunt proceed? What worked and why? What didn't work and why?
3. The hunters should have some fun, and it must be believable.

It is nice if the hunter(s) got a good bull, but for me a 250 class bull is as good as a 350 bull.
I want a good story about a challenging hunt. I don't want videos where they kill 5, 10, or more bulls in about an hour. To me that is a waste of time to watch. I know it is a private ranch hunt where I can't go. I also don't care which brand of bow the hunter used, or what brand of socks he wore. I don't care anything about that stuff including what the hunter ate. I don't enjoy the 100 yard shots with a bow. I just think, so you got lucky and found your monster bull. Good for you.
Yes, follow the money. Also, when it comes to following the money ask yourself>>>if there's hundreds of thousands of dollas to be made by exploiting XYZ in the hunting world why would you not do it? a hunting "brand" or "image"?? Someone is gonna do it. I like Rinella and Newberg...I used to think Matt Alwine was awesome...whoops :/ I'm not sure that Aron and the Rokslide guys are doing what I'd call "exploiting the shit outta western hunting".
I've personally gravitated myself towards guys who put a high value on doing it yourself, or mostly by yourself, putting some work in, reasonable effort usually results in shooting a animal or maybe even a mature animal or maybe a doe or maybe a representative animal and.... having fun. You do some work and become successful you will have a little more hair on your chest and have something to really brag about (although many others will not understand)...when you say I took a scouting trip, logged 22 miles, went back, hunted a few days back in ABC spot that I found, kilt a bull, packed him out, etc. What's the first question you'll get? "How big was he?" That's all fine and good but people should respect the process. It's NOT a measuring game for me anymore (OTC wise), that stuff leads to all kinds of nightmares, thank you social media, stories on high fence bulls, trespassing, shooting German Shepard "wolves", etc.
I also reserve the right to say that when you do get your OIL tag (virtually any draw tag in any western state that takes 10+ points, point creep) you should try and shoot a representative animal.
Of course my opinion is prolly crap and I should just shut up.
I also reserve the right to say that when you do get your OIL tag (virtually any draw tag in any western state that takes 10+ points, point creep) you should try and shoot a representative animal.

This can not be understated. As an example, I had a hunter last year who drew what is commonly referred to as a "premier" trophy elk unit and during the hunt he turned down bull after bull, hoping to kill the proverbial 400+ incher. He turned down some fantastic bulls. Very disappointing. In the end he killed nothing after nine days in the field and went home regretting that he didn't at least stalk one of the giants that he turned down. Very disappointing. A representative trophy-class animal is better than no animal, especially when it comes down to the last day of a hunt.
Best thing I ever did was get rid of cable 2 years ago. I miss Rinella, Newberg, the guys at the Western Hunter, and a few others but by and large I do not miss those idiots on OCh and SpCh at all. BTW, I have a good friend trying to get a new show on the air right now. He has told me all about the process of trying to get a new show on one of those channels (or even Nat Geo channel or others). It is pretty cutthroat. Producers are looking for $$$ and if they don't see it, they don't bite. It's true, a lot of the idiots on those channels pay to put their content on TV in the hopes that some clothing brand or other sponsor picks up their show to cover costs eventually. That does explain a lot of the crap we see. As a Western hunter, I also have to remember that we are probably the minority of what the hunting industry caters to. Eastern and Southern whitetail hunters probably outnumber us 10:1 on overall numbers. Seasons are much longer and there is a lot more money to be made on trail cams, food plots, blinds, etc so most shows cater to them. These forums are pretty good about info sharing and learning how to hunt western big game...Mostly I miss the TV shows for scenery and techniques...not kill shots.
Oh snap...
How about the fact that we are being marketed to the point that we "need" the newest: optics, gun, bullet, pack, call, boots, clothing "system", where-to-hunt web-based subscription service, etc every 3 months...lest we not be considered real hunters.

Case in point..."I just pre-ordered every piece of clothing that SiTkA offers in their newest color-scheme...$300 for a deer tag? That seems expensive"
How about the fact that we are being marketed to the point that we "need" the newest: optics, gun, bullet, pack, call, boots, clothing "system", where-to-hunt web-based subscription service, etc every 3 months...lest we not be considered real hunters.

But the only way that works is if enough suckers fall for the marketing and buy the stuff. If people would stop buying, perhaps we'd see less of this.
Funny to see all of the shows turn into this, especially the whitetail treestand hunts:

"Just shot this 200 inch deer on #Monsterbuckzzzzranch

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Funny to see all of the shows turn into this, especially the whitetail treestand hunts:

"Just shot this 200 inch deer on #Monsterbuckzzzzranch

Hahaha...#fairchase and #highfence.

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If people would stop buying, perhaps we'd see less of this.

Unfortunately this will never be reversed. The damage is done and the market is there.

I even look at friggin Goose decoys nowadays. 5-6 years ago you could buy excellent condition used decoys for like $120-160 a dozen. and you could get new ones for $200ish a dozen. Now it is $350+ a dozen, but obviously people are buying them because no company has come even close to that $200-250 price point since.