Yes, follow the money. Also, when it comes to following the money ask yourself>>>if there's hundreds of thousands of dollas to be made by exploiting XYZ in the hunting world why would you not do it? AKA...build a hunting "brand" or "image"?? Someone is gonna do it. I like Rinella and Newberg...I used to think Matt Alwine was awesome...whoops :/ I'm not sure that Aron and the Rokslide guys are doing what I'd call "exploiting the shit outta western hunting".
I've personally gravitated myself towards guys who put a high value on doing it yourself, or mostly by yourself, putting some work in, reasonable effort usually results in shooting a animal or maybe even a mature animal or maybe a doe or maybe a representative animal and.... having fun. You do some work and become successful you will have a little more hair on your chest and have something to really brag about (although many others will not understand)...when you say I took a scouting trip, logged 22 miles, went back, hunted a few days back in ABC spot that I found, kilt a bull, packed him out, etc. What's the first question you'll get? "How big was he?" That's all fine and good but people should respect the process. It's NOT a measuring game for me anymore (OTC wise), that stuff leads to all kinds of nightmares, thank you social media, stories on high fence bulls, trespassing, shooting German Shepard "wolves", etc.
I also reserve the right to say that when you do get your OIL tag (virtually any draw tag in any western state that takes 10+ points, point creep) you should try and shoot a representative animal.
Of course my opinion is prolly crap and I should just shut up.