A good friend of mine who is a Wealth Advisor & fund manager, told me there are generally 2 types of people, those that make $150k a year and live like they make $45k, and those that make $45k and live like they make $150k.
When the average car loan length at 72 months, people are living way beyond their means. Stop rationalizing the "equity" in you Tacoma. Sell it and buy a simple cheap car and pay off some debt.
Learn to live on only 1 of your paychecks per month. Use the other paycheck to pay down debt and build a 6 months cash reserve (in a separate bank that you do not have access to with a check book or ATM). Get down to 1 credit card between the 2 of you.
Put a $20 bill in your pocket on Monday am and live on that for a week. Can you and your wife carpool to work?
While it may sound crazy, still max out your 401k especially if your employee matches. Paying your investment self 1st leaves less discretionary money available for other things.
Get rid of all the apps that let you buy entertainment (movies, books,) and satellite TV. Go to the local library where you can get books & movies for free. If you have Amazon Prime, look for the free to read/listen books/movies. I have bought one from them in 4 years.
Go grocery shopping on Sunday and set a budget of $100 for the week. Learning to cook vs buying prepared meals can be a lot of fun. A 9 lbs pork shoulder is about $20. You can braise that on Sunday and make Tacos, burritos, enchiladas, chicken tetrazzini, pork or chicken fried rice, put it in chili, etc. Same with roasting 2 whole chickens. A bag of dry rice & beans will cost about $8 and should last a couple of weeks. Fresh fruit & vegies are heaped and far healthier.
If you like a couple of beers, stop buying the local $3/btl craft beer and get a Busch light 30 pack for $0.50/can. Nothing wrong with wine in a box.
Take your lunch to work, an apple and small pack of tuna or salmon is about $2, a visit to Qdoba $12. A big bowl of Ramen noodles (with chix or pork from above) is about $1.50.
The biggest challenge you will have is the mental adjustment to stop thinking you need something or deserve something (impulse spending) to just saying no, your are good where you are at without it, and walking away. All about self discipline
This will be hard and you and your wife will have to be on the same page and be a team. If you hit your goals for the week, let yourselves have a cheat dinner night where you order take order but limit is to $30 for both.
As stated above, Dave Ramsey can be a great motivator to listen to and get involved with his programs.
I know the above works, by age 50 my wife and I were debt free, had max'd our 401k's for 30 years, and owned 3 homes with no mortgages. Saved cash for our vehicle purchases and usually drove them 8-10 years. BTW, I still listen to Dave Ramsey
It worth it if you are strong enough. Good luck!