Being debt free is well worth the effort. Being cautious and having money in savings should also be a priority, something I'd recommend before paying off debts aggressively. That way, if something comes up, you don't sink. Once savings is sufficient, go nuts paying down debt.
Question for those who have no debt and are investing...theoretically, if you had a large lump of cash in savings, and no debt in life, what would you do with it? Let's assume retirement accounts are out of play (not available, already maxing out, etc), and cars/home are in good shape and don't need attention. Given today's uncertainties in the market/future of this country, how would you invest the lump, stocks, bonds, realestate, savings bonds (limited to 10K/yr iirc), gold, guns, hunting gear, etc? Or would you stash it under a mattress and hope for a crash?
I appreciate the answer will depend on risk tolerance, age, etc. I'm worried about inflation and keeping up with that while balancing risk profile. Day trading sounds terrible... Savings pays essentially 0%, CD rates are terrible.