DD Enticer S TI vs Resilient Jolene S

Jolene’s do not have removable end caps
I have an Omega 300 and a 22 cal end cap, think I may just use it. I like to park suppressors on rifles and leave them there is the only thing ha.

Thanks for confirming that brix, im not home yet but thats what I remembered. If you can find one, the wolf hunter sounds amazing on a short barrel 22cm and reduces recoil very well.

I just got a few of the 3d printed C.A.T cans in and have been loving them. The white bread is spendy and made for AR's(its amazing on an AR), but it also sounds great on my 17" 22cm and is more compact than the wolf hunter.

I would recommend at least getting something you can at least put a smaller endcap on for a 224 cal gun vs buying a 30 cal only can for it. The resilient cans are a great value tho. Love my putnik on my micro draco lol
FWIW, the wolf hunter is quieter and reduces recoil more than the scythe w/556 endcap on my 22cm. I shot those against eachother quite a bit when I first put my 22cm together

What length barrel? Wondering if the extra 3/4” in length of the suppressor was the difference. The Jolene S is also around 6.75”.

Edit: Nevermind, I see you’ve compared the Jolene S directly with the wolf hunter. Thanks!
If you're looking for something 22 or .243cal, you're going to be VERY hard pressed to beat the wolfhunter. It might be can that's impressed me the most out of the 7 I have. Plus the price/weight/length is very attractive.
If you're looking for something 22 or .243cal, you're going to be VERY hard pressed to beat the wolfhunter. It might be can that's impressed me the most out of the 7 I have. Plus the price/weight/length is very attractive.
Not sure if it’s in stock anywhere, but I just checked the DD website and they have a 25 week lead time ☠️
Bauer precision has them in stock. I know people complain about Bauer but I haven’t ever had any problems ordering from them but maybe I got lucky.
I see them on Bauer and GB. However, is the wolf hunter worth $225ish more than the Jolene S? I like the look of the Jolene a touch better and it’s a touch lighter as well.
I see them on Bauer and GB. However, is the wolf hunter worth $225ish more than the Jolene S? I like the look of the Jolene a touch better and it’s a touch lighter as well.
For me performance wise, especially if using it on a 6mm or 22cm, yes the wolf hunter is definitely better. For a larger bore cartridge the jolene s might be closer to the DD 30cal S-TI in peformance, jolene would be better if it had a removable endcap. If using on a 7mm or 30cal, id say get whatever is a better deal
The homeless dosent seem that great, I’m sort of surprised so many people are talking about it.

Dilligent defense silencers are definetly worth their price, they are one of the. Ether ones out there right now.
For me performance wise, especially if using it on a 6mm or 22cm, yes the wolf hunter is definitely better. For a larger bore cartridge the jolene s might be closer to the DD 30cal S-TI in peformance, jolene would be better if it had a removable endcap. If using on a 7mm or 30cal, id say get whatever is a better deal

Did you by chance try the CAT White Bread on your 22CM?
Did you by chance try the CAT White Bread on your 22CM?
Yes sir. It sounds great, its one of my favorite cans. Super impressive on an AR pistol too. Cant say enough about all 3 CAT cans I have. The johnny law and MOB are the shit too. WB doesnt effect accuracy at all, non of the high end ones really do I've found them all to be consistent. I had a 3.3" 3 shot group at 1000 with my 22cm and WB on thursday
Yes sir. It sounds great, its one of my favorite cans. Super impressive on an AR pistol too. Cant say enough about all 3 CAT cans I have. The johnny law and MOB are the shit too. WB doesnt effect accuracy at all, non of the high end ones really do I've found them all to be consistent. I had a 3.3" 3 shot group at 1000 with my 22cm and WB on thursday

So if budget is out the window, Wolf Hunter or CAT for 22CM in your opinion?
So if budget is out the window, Wolf Hunter or CAT for 22CM in your opinion?
They both sound great on mine. WB is smaller and lighter first off. Tiny bit more crack with the wolf hunter I noticed on thursday, Id have to shoot them again to say for sure but wolf hunter may have reduced recoil slightly better. If you have an AR, get the WB though, you can use it for both if you get the hub mount version and swap DT mounts. You could use the wolf hunter for both but it will not mitigate gas to the face like the WB
They both sound great on mine. WB is smaller and lighter first off. Tiny bit more crack with the wolf hunter I noticed on thursday, Id have to shoot them again to say for sure but wolf hunter may have reduced recoil slightly better. If you have an AR, get the WB though, you can use it for both if you get the hub mount version and swap DT mounts. You could use the wolf hunter for both but it will not mitigate gas to the face like the WB

I have a few cans, just looking for the single best one for 22CM build. I can get a Jolene S for $525, Wolf Hunter for $720, or CAT for $1090. I do like the shorter length and weight of the CAT vs the WH but it makes this weird circle where I go back to a Jolene being so much cheaper ha.
As far as i know, the CAT cans use some weird ass mounts. For that reason alone i wouldn't get one. I want all of my stuff to be able to switch between 1/2" and 5/8" HUB mounts. They do have some cool Tech but I can't get on board with their mounts from my limited research.
As far as i know, the CAT cans use some weird ass mounts. For that reason alone i wouldn't get one. I want all of my stuff to be able to switch between 1/2" and 5/8" HUB mounts. They do have some cool Tech but I can't get on board with their mounts from my limited research.
I think they make all of their cans in their proprietary mount and in a hub compatible model.