Daylight Savings Time

I don’t mind it, but my phone totally screwed me this morning with it. Yesterday- Alarm set for 530, worked great yesterday, time for breakfast, get ready drive to hunting spot just as it was getting light. Today- alarm set for 530, eating breakfast looking out the camper window and I’m thinking, damn it’s getting really bright out there, hour late to hunting spot.

Same thing happened to me this morning. I even talked to my wife about it but I was tired and going to bed and didn’t think about it when I set the alarm.

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Yukon ditched the turn back last year... happy about that! The only downside is that Alaska is 2 hours out of whack now! :D
Another vote to stick with DST all the time. I'd rather have evening time (after work) with natural light than morning time. And while it is purely psychological, I don't mind having an "extra hour" of sleep before first light...
Assuming this is correct, 18 states have already passed legislation adopting full time DST, and I read somewhere else that more states are considering it. The article says Congress won’t let them, but maybe someday they’ll treat DST the same as weed—ignore the feds and move on.

When I left work at 4:15 today the sun was almost set. Full darkness at 5:30 or so. Lovely.
Just think how fun it will be when neighboring states are not on the same time and you live near the border and work in one and live in the other
If I wouldn't be late for things I just wouldn't change it. One of the silliest things we still do.

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I was watching the news the other night, and they had some guy on there trying to tell people how to adjust to our "just changing over to DST Sunday morning". SMH

I'm not sure if even half the country knows which is which at this point, so voting on a ballot measure would be screwed up before they even put it on the ballot.
I don’t like my kids going to school/ waiting at the bus stop when it’s completely dark so I’ll take the 4:30 sunset.
I'm not sure if even half the country knows which is which at this point, so voting on a ballot measure would be screwed up before they even put it on the ballot.
Exactly. It's amazing how often people get it exactly wrong (seems like worse than 50/50)...