Daylight Savings Time is Here to Stay

If I made my own schedule (as one of the other posters indicated) I'd just get up with the sun and go from there and the only thing time matters for is for showing up somewhere like the doctor's office or when Costco is actually open.

That being said - me being a morning person and a corporate stiff having the earlier sunrise would be more appealing to me.

Either way - I'd be fine with any time as long as it is consistent year round.
I’m all for not changing the clocks but I’d rather see it set to daylight standard time, the times for winter. If daylight savings time becomes the standard it won’t get light until 8:30 in the winter months
Didn't read whole thread but I could NOT agree with @Traveler any more.
This bill has only passed the senate, it is not law. Even if it passes the house and is signed by the president it won't go into affect until Nov. 2023.
As someone who's worked second shift almost my entire life, I absolutely loath mornings. I dread turning the clocks back just as the rut starts heating up every year and will gladly take that extra hour of sleep before daylight.
I will take the extra hour of daylight in the evening over the sun rising at 7:00 am. I am at work regardless of the position of the sun in the early morning but would enjoy it not being dark at 5:00 in December!