Dall Sheep Video


Jun 19, 2012
Marsh Lake, Yukon
I had this posted in the elk spot by mistake.

Dall Sheep Hunt Video
Here is a little video my brother put together from our sheep hunt.

I had already harvested my ram and had a week planned with my brother and three days planned with my brother in law to help them get their sheep.

My bro and I covered 100 kms in 7 days and only saw one ram which we blew the stalk on. While hiking back at the end of the week, we met an old guy on a quad who took pity on us and described a spot he used to sheep hunt in. He gave us some directions and we decided to use the last three days we had to check it out. We picked up my brother in law and went out.

Our plan was hike until we spotted a ram, harvest said ram and finally bring ram home to the bbq and the freezer.

My brother drew the long straw and got first shot at a ram. We managed to locate some rams 20 kms from the trailhead after a tough hike in the first day. The second morning we were on them and by 1 pm my bro had his 9 yr old ram down. We had decided previous to this of only taking one ram due to the distance in but since the cape was damaged from a nasty fall, we figured we could handle two rams and no capes and my brother in law shot his first ram ( an 8 year old and first big game kill) from the group.

The rest of that day and the next were a slog but we got out safely with both. My brother took some footage with his little go pro camera. It gives you an idea of the last three days of the hunt and some comical clips of us struggling with the 100 lb, 20 km pack out.

Pretty amazing to have a random hunter share valuable information with new people. It was obvious he was never going back in there (pretty rough hike in) but neat that he recognized this and was willing to pass it on to us young guys. Hope I can do the same eventually.

Check it out

May 29, 2012
Lewiston ID
SWEET! And I agree, Trekking poles would've been nice! lol What packs were you three using? Looks like maybe a MR 6500 for one of them?



Mar 15, 2012
SE Alaska
I enjoyed the composition of it alot. The comedy, the teamwork, the friendship, the challenge, and the scenry were amazing. I expecially enjoyed the ending with the family and friends gathered around the table enjoying the feast. Your time as a strong young man to climb those mountains is limited. To feast and enjoy the bounty with those special to you is very very important. Congrats on another year in the mountains. I drove through the Yukon this year on my way to Alaska. It was a pleasure seeing my northern Canadian brethren getting after it too. The hills you have to roam up there look just as good as ours in Alaska.