Dads of Rokslide

Dec 22, 2020
With a new born. If baby has a clean diaper, is fed, and is in a safe place (crib with no pillow or smother hazard) it's OK if they cry.

If you go running to the crib every time they whimper, it's going to be rough.

Read to them every night.
This is probably the best advice I’ve seen given on Rokslide.

OP: you got this. It’s gonna be hard at times, just like anything that’s really worthwhile and rewarding.


Oct 7, 2020
All they want is your time. And you will run our of time before you run out of money...give them as much time as you can, and then more.

Ask them how they feel every day. We play lemons and lollypops...we share the best and worst of each day and we listen and ask questions and we dont comment.
Sep 2, 2015
One piece of advice I give to new fathers at church:

Remind your child every day, from day one, how much Mommy, Daddy, and Jesus loves them.

There will come a day in their life when they will wonder if that is true. Tell them often enough so they will KNOW it is true, even if they question it.


Aug 10, 2022
I can’t thank you men enough. These have been incredible to read on this gloomy morning at work. My wife is due in November with our first baby girl and to say I’m a bit nervous would be an understatement
Just understand that there is no “right way” to do it.
There is only doing the best you can.
Enjoy it! It is such a fulfilling and rewarding experience.
Think about it, you get to experience the world as new again through the eyes of someone you will love more than you ever have.
We’re going through that stage again as Grandparents.
Children are a blessing!


Jul 14, 2020
Let them cry. Our 2nd daughter did not sleep through the night without waking up and crying until she was 14 months old.

Don't let them have tablets or your phones. Screens are ruining kids' development and behavior.

Save the cardboard boxes. Let your kids draw, paint, and build forts with them.

Teach them about money often and early.

Start the college funds right away.

Teach them sports. Keep them moving. Go for hikes. Have relay races in the park. Introduce trikes and bikes early. Play catch in the backyard. Teach them to recognize speed and momentum in objects so they can react faster. I've never seen more non-attentive, non-athletic, uncoordinated children in my life than the current generation of 5-10 year olds I work with at church on Wednesday nights.

Take them scouting. Take them hunting. Take them to a farm and get them hands on with animals.

Be there. 7th grade volleyball isn't a big deal, but leave work an hour early and go to that game.

Everything your child likes to eat will have sugar in it. Start in right away with fresh fruits and veggies. Stay away from anything in a pouch, package, or container as long as you can.

Always say yes to a water fight or snowball fight.

Reward good behavior but set expectations that certain chores and manners are simply a part of being a good human being and do not require additional compensation for following those principles.

Correspond with their teachers. Review their work. Don't just ask "how was school?", be involved with their education.

Take care of mom.


Jul 26, 2024
If you had one piece of advice for a first timer (me), what would that be?
As they start to get older.. Let them make the choices of what/when they want to hunt/fish. Example, my son (10yo) drew a youth doe tag, it is his choice if he goes on that hunt or recovers his points to save for a chance at a bigger buck. He has already shot a doe and a small buck. He wants to save his points.
Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
There's a lot of great advice throughout this thread. One thing I want to add that I haven't seen here yet is to be prepared to identify post partum issues that your wife might end up suffering, and be ready to communicate with her and her doctors to effectively advocate for her. I really hope you don't ever have to experience these, but over the years in talking with buddies I've realized it is way more common than you might think--and people don't talk about it enough.

Your wife's body has already been on a hormonal rollercoaster since she got pregnant. However, that's a kiddie ride compared to what she's about to get hit with at childbirth and post delivery. It's not just post partum depression--also be on the look out for post partum anxiety, mood, and psychosis.

Post partum anxiety terrorized my wife for 3 years before she was willing to acknowledge there was a problem and that she needed help. And even then, it took a lot of discussions and a few failed attempts to start therapy, then a few different prescriptions for things to start improving. All in, it took about 6-7 years after our first kid (we have two, and no way in hell are we having more for a bunch of reasons) before it felt like I had my wife back.