CPW Commission is proposing ALL DRAW for elk

Every time I send comments to everyone on the commission, I get a response from 2-3 of them and always the same ones........telling me that they agree with me, but getting the rest of the commission to agree is always going to be a problem. It's like being a republican serving in the state assembly and submitting a bill proposal. That's all it will be is a proposal, because the dems control the assembly and the governor's seat. It's all political at the commission level.
Just take a look at the makeup of the commission. There's a few on there that couldn't pick a cow elk out of a line up of moose, elk, deer and a prairie dog.
They also strongly suggested mandatory harvest surveys and if they are not done you cannot apply the following year similar to what New Mexico does.
I get a phone call every year from the Colorado DOW asking about my success. I have also provided survey information every year I have hunted New Mexico. I wholly agree with a Mandatory Harvest Survey. It would help the DOW with valuable harvest information to truly Manage the Game Resources better.
Don’t forget the yearly parks pass added to RESIDENT vehicle registration that where RESIDENTS are adding give or take 50 million a year to the coffers of cpw.. Or cpw now has plenty of money and plain and simple does not need that nr $$$$ as they have in the past. Things have changed!!

So residents are picking up the funding gap so no worries there!!
This is a poor example of Residents picking up the gap, since you can "opt out" of the $29 parks pass fee. When this was proposed and passed I laughed, the CPW was counting their chickens before they hatched. They're just hoping to catch people that don't pay attention to the breakdown of fees on their registration.
The difference is not even close- hunting licenses generate almost $100mm more per year in revenue. Using the latest data from CPW for FY 2021-22, Parks parking & licenses accounted for $44mm of revenue, while hunting licenses & passes accounted for $137mm.
Colorado doesn't even know the true difference yet. The parks pass added to Registration just began in 2023 for Vehicle registration for ALL vehicles in Colorado regardless if you use the parks or not. But they do have an "opt out" option so we'll see what happens with the numbers next year, and I'd guess it will drop every year as people will understand they can opt out in the future.
I'll be honest and didn't know the NM harvest survey was a thing, and I read regs and try my best to do everything correctly. Thanks for that heads up, I just completed mine. It asks if you harvested and elk, how many days, and number of points on left/right side. I wish they would make it more "visible" for lack of a better word to do them post hunt.
Point banking will just increase creep. Same as point sharing.
Its a solution for mid tier point holders to liquidate points and still feel like they are getting some value for them...probably much more so than burning them all at once. If you allowed sharing and banking I think it would take a few years but the point creep trend would have to reverse. There needs to be some incentive for people to start using their points.
I participated in Point Banking the one year the DOW had it. 2007?

It definitely would work to entice point holders to use, but needs to be implemented for a minimum of 3 years to make it beneficial - at least in my opinion
Its a solution for mid tier point holders to liquidate points and still feel like they are getting some value for them...probably much more so than burning them all at once. If you allowed sharing and banking I think it would take a few years but the point creep trend would have to reverse. There needs to be some incentive for people to start using their points.
Please explain how point banking will reduce creep.

Here is a real life example of how I see it. My dad burned his points last year. He had a little over double needed for the tag he drew. If banking was allowed he would be hunting the same unit again this year while someone else sat home and gained another point.

It's not any ones fault except the point holders that they haven't burned their points. I have mid tier points and will probably burn them on a 1-2 point tag. If banking is allowed I'll hunt that unit 5+ times bumping other hunters.

Banking/sharing is the dumbest thing ever to reduce point creep.
All draw for Elk would be a needed change in Colorado and was highly requested in the tag allocation focus groups this year. With Wolves coming Elk populations and opportunity will decrease and something has to be done to eliminate OTC hunting.
I get a phone call every year from the Colorado DOW asking about my success. I have also provided survey information every year I have hunted New Mexico. I wholly agree with a Mandatory Harvest Survey. It would help the DOW with valuable harvest information to truly Manage the Game Resources better.
I have no idea why there isn't mandatory reporting to CPW. It makes no sense why you wouldn't want the most accurate data you could possibly have, at very low relative cost.

Here in Oregon we must report by the deadline or pay a penalty before purchasing our next tag.
Every time I send comments to everyone on the commission, I get a response from 2-3 of them and always the same ones........telling me that they agree with me, but getting the rest of the commission to agree is always going to be a problem. It's like being a republican serving in the state assembly and submitting a bill proposal. That's all it will be is a proposal, because the dems control the assembly and the governor's seat. It's all political at the commission level.
That’s been my experience as well for the most part here in NM. And here is my theory on that. By the time any issues are open for comment, it’s already a done deal and the public’s comment is just a formality because the rules say they have to solicit public comment. However I could see if this may not be the case in CO given that there is a strong bow hunters association who has “some” influence. Not sure they are listened too anymore though now that the parks service is in control of wildlife in CO and full of treehuggers and anti hunters.
There needs to be some incentive for people to start using their points.
No there doesn’t. Be glad there are so many people that are just point collectors and never enter the draw. If they’re not in the draw, they have no influence on the creep.

The only thing that can reverse point creep is for supply to exceed demand. That ain’t happening.