CPW Commission is proposing ALL DRAW for elk

Hunting Licenses sales since 1990 have been pretty flat, regardless we are in present and moving forward. What’s the whole reason for this thread again? Oh Res want more LE tags and no competition when hunting OTC units while building points. Yet tags are flat…

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Try to find some more recent data on the CPW website.

You won’t. Unless you ask for it.
Hunting Licenses sales since 1990 have been pretty flat, regardless we are in present and moving forward. What’s the whole reason for this thread again? Oh Res want more LE tags and no competition when hunting OTC units while building points. Yet tags are flat…

I thought it was about what was being discussed at the CPW Commission meeting.

I think if you would find most CO residents disagree with your assumptions.
Try to find some more recent data on the CPW website.

You won’t. Unless you ask for it.
even if it jumped 10% last 4 years it’s still relatively flat.

This is same argument I heard when I was a CO resident, most units are now already 1:3- 1:6(Res:NR). PP ratio.

I don’t know the answer but even if 100% draw required on every code, I really don’t see pressure changing.

It’s a circular discussion. Look at the archery hunts that went to draw, because of “calf recruitment” issue blamed on pressure. Still tags left over and the jumped up tags for sept Bear…. So is pressure less or more? $100 bear tag and more sept rifle season probably increased overall pressure in sept higher then pre -draw/OTC levels.
They also strongly suggested mandatory harvest surveys and if they are not done you cannot apply the following year similar to what New Mexico does.
Finallly! It's always nice for a G&F department to use real data to manage game.

We have over 6 million people, growing to 10 million soon. They have a bloated budget and find ways to spend it all.
With the population explosion in Colorado there is always going to be some degree of crowding whether it's from non-resident hunters, resident hunters or non-hunting outdoorsy folks. If only 20% of the vehicles on I-25 are carrying hunters you've got a crowd.
If all draw is just archery it will just bottleneck otc to rifle season. I say across the board go to all draw for all seasons. The great thing about all limited is all hunters will burn pts each year rather than build pts. Around 80% of colos current elk units are otc. How can the cpw manage elk and hunter numbers?

They also mentioned something about not paying tag fees up front. It sure would be great if that changed back to what is was before! One of the biggest mistake cpw ever made!
People are mixing two distinct topics.

Point creep and overcrowding. These are two very different subjects that should be well thought out before anything is simply put into place, or implemented by the DOW. The off the cuff changes made as of late have destroyed draw odds, and have packed people into already packed areas. These recent changes were simply thrown out there without any thought of the damage to come. We need change no doubt, but think a little.
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Boy they sure are hell bent on Archery. I think any and all archers in the state should be contacting the CBA and submitting comments via the public input section provided by the DOW.
Hunting Licenses sales since 1990 have been pretty flat, regardless we are in present and moving forward. What’s the whole reason for this thread again? Oh Res want more LE tags and no competition when hunting OTC units while building points. Yet tags are flat…

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This document is also 7-8 years old which I feel is around the time Western hunting started getting extremely popular (social media, hunting influencers, etc.). Would be curious to see an updated version.
So a guy like me who “needs” to elk hunt somewhere by “any legal means” could apply for archery and if not drawn can go OTC rifle. Hmmmm. Could get awefully dangerous out there with more elk hunters converting their means and methods to rifle.
They also strongly suggested mandatory harvest surveys and if they are not done you cannot apply the following year similar to what New Mexico does.
That seems stupid. Why not release a reporting app so that animals are checked and include the survey questions in the process.

There is a comment section and a survey.

There is a comment section and a survey.

That survey was originally for the discussion about an 80:20 split.

Its now taken a turn to OTC/Draw since the latest CWC meeting two days ago.

Here's the deal... If the Commish is going change course without using the BGSS system, do you really think a survey or even comments are going to help?
I don't know why they haven't gone to all draw earlier. When you have a demand that far exceeds supply you need to be able control the number of hunters to some degree. Too many hunters and it's not enjoyable anyway. They can sort out the number of licenses per GMU that will result in desired herd numbers and factor in the available hunt area. The system to manage the draw is where it gets challenging. I like the suggestion of losing all points for a first choice draw, but also losing a point for a second choice, and I think even a left over should take a point. If you hunt, you lose at least one point. Coming from someone who built points while hunting on second choice tags.
Edit: and every hunter should be required to complete a survey. Very good data is available if they choose to get it.
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Every time I send comments to everyone on the commission, I get a response from 2-3 of them and always the same ones........telling me that they agree with me, but getting the rest of the commission to agree is always going to be a problem. It's like being a republican serving in the state assembly and submitting a bill proposal. That's all it will be is a proposal, because the dems control the assembly and the governor's seat. It's all political at the commission level.