Coyote hunting basics

3D Leafy suit. (Does A LOT for helping you not be seen, as long as you're good about being quite and still)
Mesh Facemask. (Gotta cover that Pink that sticks out like a sore thumb!)
Glasses or Safety glasses (with UV protection, helps hide your eyes, and helps keep flies/insects from wanting to mess around by your eyes.)
Gloves as well. (Gotta cover that Pink that sticks out like a sore thumb!).
Couple inexpensive handcalls (like a Primos 3rd Degree. for example)
Rifle w/ Varmint load of your choosing. Easy button might be .223 Rem + Hornady NTX 35gr
You try to find a scene where you can imagine coyotes coming thru, and ya give it a try! Biggest thing is backing yourself up into a bush or scrub oak, so your outline is obscured. Remain in the shade, if you can.

Look with your eyes first!!!! If you feel you still need to look more in a direction... then turn your head very slowly towards that direction. Long as it's slow enough, even if they are there and looking at you, they likely won't spook. If it's slow enough.

Get you a Turkey seat Cushion with the straps for the back support. They get you nice and down low next to the ground where you want to be on the set.

Stuff that eCaller into a Juniper or Bush about chest height. Don't be sitting in the wind coming off the eCaller. Lately I've been strictly shotgun w/ HEVI-BISMUTH #2 or #4 Duck/Geese loads becaue that was all I could find locally, but they work! Shots have been 25-35yds tops.

If you're holding a handheld caller, like a Pocket Prey, ya gotta be ready to just let it go and lay it upon your lap the moment you see them almost upon you, so you can have your weapon at the ready.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN!!... but that optic BACK DOWN to LOWEST MAGNIFICATION on your Rifle!

EDIT: Anyplace you might happen to see Rabbits at during FirstLite? That's a good place. If you're driving in or driving out in the dark... and you come upon two rabbits fighting each other on the road? Great place to setup at. If you see lotta Ground Squirrels? Or pass thru a place and hear 'em squeeking at ya... Great place to setup at. In Nat'l forests that go up into Alpine... they seem to sorta stay near the roads and flatter areas. I imagine they patrol the roads for roadkill?
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You try to find a scene where you can imagine coyotes coming thru, and ya give it a try! Biggest thing is backing yourself up into a bush or scrub oak, so your outline is obscured. Remain in the shade, if you can.
I have really no idea what I'm doing with coyote hunting. I have situated myself behind some deadfall as an improvised ground blind to ground hunt deer in WV and then happened to have a coyote trot along right past me around dusk. After shooting one, just by dumb luck, am anxious to get out there and do some more coyote hunting since there are no season limits in WV or KY.

Is it a similar consideration as hunting deer with respect to breaking up the human profile and limiting movement so as to not be readily identified by your quarry?
I have really no idea what I'm doing with coyote hunting. I have situated myself behind some deadfall as an improvised ground blind to ground hunt deer in WV and then happened to have a coyote trot along right past me around dusk. After shooting one, just by dumb luck, am anxious to get out there and do some more coyote hunting since there are no season limits in WV or KY.

Is it a similar consideration as hunting deer with respect to breaking up the human profile and limiting movement so as to not be readily identified by your quarry?
EXACTLY! It's all about looking first with your eyes... THEN... if you THINK you need to scan further in a direcion... try to make like a 90 degree rotation of your head take like 7-9 seconds to do.

I've tested this in the field with does at 100yds out from me. I'd wanted to reposition my optic on the tripod, but I knew I was able to be seen by them from where I was seated at. So... extending my arm up to the optic? I did it painfully slowly... eyes on them whole time even noted at one point mama does head was pointed kinda in my direction as she fed along some bushes. Didn't notice me though in Leafy 3D, liner gloves, mesh facemask and 3D leafy boonie.

I'm a BIG FAN of 3D Leafy gear! It's THAT ... coupled with holding still skillz. Things like even calming your breath so they won't see your chest working in and out, etc.

But DEFINITELY Always remember that the yotes hear up to 44KHz (We only typically go up to about 20KHz on the top end of our ears). If you make a sound? While they are in your FOV? THEY WILL turn their head to be pointed darn near directly at you, first try! So holding still skillz then come into play if you like had to sniff or something and messed it up. then be ready to shoulder your weapon and fire the moment they break their gaze back off your direction!

And at beginning of each set.. and before you leave this set to goto the next one.. ALWAYS drop your optics magnification back down to it's lowest setting! You'll be SO MAD at yourself one day, if you don't! ;)
A coyote has exceptional hearing and a nose that is almost second to none. Their eyes ain't that great.