Covid Booster

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Now I feel really special to be getting ganged up on by the folks who have nothing better to do in life than discuss Covid online.

Hell, I think I've even been called a "Karen", I feel accomplished now!

Keep on keepin' on makes me feel better to know my life isn't so pathetic that I still need to be debating Covid online thinking that it's going to do any good.
Some of us (huge percentage of the country) may be getting fired unless we take the vaccine. The vaccine does not stop us from contracting or spreading covid. The vaccine is supposed to stop us from being hospitalized but Christ, most working aged people aren't going to get sick anyway. Proven myocarditis in males under 40 due to vaccines.
Sound fishy now?
I’m certainly one who had serious heart related side effects following vaccination. Truly messed me up, with therapies things are improving, but I pray the effects subside over time. Chasing this down cost a small fortune on top of it. These issues are under reported, and I’ve been encouraged strongly to not report as a post marketing side effect, as none of my 4 doctors will as required by fda.

I believe I’m going to pass for now on the booster. I support or not judge whatever personal decisions others make.
I decided from the onset no shots for me , my wife and son got them because of their employer but are opting out on the 3rd one.
No vaccine is 100% safe, but yeah, your right. It is much more likely that our government, and virtually all of the world's governments, are secretly conspiring to put money in Pfizer's pocket at the expense of our own population. Make sure you don't get too close to the edge of that flat Earth...
Pretty sure if your views I see.
Slightly sore shoulder was all, but the funny thing is I would occasionally feel a tinge of pain at the injection site for over a week afterwards.
Does anyone know what's in the booster, has it been FDA approved? To those that have gotten the booster do you even care?
Speaking of the "FDA approval" ridiculousness.....First of all, It is absolutely mind boggling to me that, so many grown up men and women actually believe our current governmentally authorities and medical industry authorities are here TO HELP AND HEAL US. What has to happen? how many surprising deaths and negative health issues have to take place as a result of the said govt and medical authorities before the same grown ups will say...."Holy crap, I can't believe this is actually happening to us, and we trusted them".

And the same FDA approval is attached to every single box of labratory invented fake food on every grocery store shelf. One major reason for the diabetes, obesity and rampant disease epidemics plaguing our country and hospitals.....waaaaayyy before covid.

Your typical MD will tell you as their patient....Yep your blood A1C is too high, you are now a lifelong diabetic. But we will help you manage your incurable disease forever. Just continue to take this medicene and insulin and come back to see me on a regular basis so I can continue to write you prescriptions. Because you can't do this yourself, you must trust me. Instead of telling the patient......Stop eating carbs and sugar can't get in your blood, you will not need medicene, you will not need to see me nor will you be a diabetic in a shorter time than you will believe.
"The vaccine was not distributed until this year and not widely distributed until middle of the year, and even now only slightly above 50 percent vaccinated so it is obvious why the majority of deaths occurred in vaccinated."

Its actually over 60% in this country that are vaccinated, and pretending the majority of deaths are vaccinated is laughable. Are we just making $hit up now?
18 months at hardly anyone vaccinated, 6 months where 50-60% vaccinated. Which one you think had more deaths? When they said 98% effective they used the same basis. When communist countries like Cuba show 98% of the people voted for Castro I used to think who could possibly believe that, well after this pandemic I understand there are plenty of complete idiots.
Did you read anything on the page that you linked? The "study" has not even been published or peer reviewed. So far all that is available is the abstract. There is no way that we could make any conclusions from that. I 100% believe that we should do research into all of the side effects but it does not help the process to promote information like this that has not been validated or replicated. I'm sorry that you have lost people close to you but your experience is not an absolute or representative of the whole COVID situation
Read it and the history behind it. Most of the doctors who signed on to the study misspelled their names, didnt want to be black balled by big pharma and the medical machine. You want to understand why decisions are made: follow the money. When I am in the woods and the elk do something I don’t understand I research it so I can figure it out. When my 41 year old friend drops dead two weeks after getting vaccine I research it. Now his mom just suffered a heart attack months after her getting vaccinated. If you think the government and big pharma have your best interest at heart watch “Dope Sick”.

I have no problem with folks choosing to get vaccinated, our country was born out of the desire for freedom. Now to the complete morons who say I am putting them at risk because I am not vaccinated: did you bump your head recently? If the vaccine is all its cracked up to be you should be protected from flat earthers like me.

Since I was a little kid I was told there were no vaccines for colds because they mutated too quickly. Now I am told I am flat earther because I chose not to get vaccinated for the Super Cold of all time because I figured it would give me less than 6 months protection for an unknown risk. The world makes no sense to me anymore.
I did fine with shot 1 and 2 (Pfizer). Shot 3 (Moderna) kicked my butt the next day. I had a fever, chills and just felt like crap. I felt back to normal the day after that.

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I don’t know why people can’t say “I decided not to get the vaccine” instead of taking the time to be a giant asshole. People crack me up.
I don’t know why people can’t do a little research and realize that public schools in New York just hired a specialist PhD and a bunch of nurses to spot & treat heart conditions in children very shortly after making vaccines mandatory to school children without being giant assholes to those who question the vaccine.

People crack me up.
I don’t know why people can’t do a little research and realize that public schools in New York just hired a specialist PhD and a bunch of nurses to spot & treat heart conditions in children very shortly after making vaccines mandatory to school children without being giant assholes to those who question the vaccine.

People crack me up.
Where can I go to research this?
Read it and the history behind it. Most of the doctors who signed on to the study misspelled their names, didnt want to be black balled by big pharma and the medical machine. You want to understand why decisions are made: follow the money. When I am in the woods and the elk do something I don’t understand I research it so I can figure it out. When my 41 year old friend drops dead two weeks after getting vaccine I research it. Now his mom just suffered a heart attack months after her getting vaccinated. If you think the government and big pharma have your best interest at heart watch “Dope Sick”.

I have no problem with folks choosing to get vaccinated, our country was born out of the desire for freedom. Now to the complete morons who say I am putting them at risk because I am not vaccinated: did you bump your head recently? If the vaccine is all its cracked up to be you should be protected from flat earthers like me.

Since I was a little kid I was told there were no vaccines for colds because they mutated too quickly. Now I am told I am flat earther because I chose not to get vaccinated for the Super Cold of all time because I figured it would give me less than 6 months protection for an unknown risk. The world makes no sense to me anymore.
There are 800,000 heart attacks in the US every year. You should have questions about our healthcare system. It's a total nightmare right now speaking as someone who is at the bedside. The guidance has not been great on COVID since the beginning. I never called you any names or talked down to you. I only asked you to explain what you posted, which you didn't anywhere in that post. How did you research a study that has yet to be published?
Both my parents, brother, sister and brother-in-law got the booster (Pfizer). All were down for
the count for one full day with fever, chills, body aches and sore joints! I am the lone hold out
and refuse to participate in the great social experiment that has been released upon the world.
My body has had enough poison pumped into it from my military career.
As the 3 times positive covid guy, that reaction to the vax was worse than I experienced with the real thing. My whole staff was out at least one day... I swapped water heaters in my basement on the worst day of my rona symptoms.
Where can I go to research this?
This was the email sent to parents. The information is out there, just not on Google searches. There is more info on the new regulations for all school districts in New York, but you have to get creative to find it since it is being buried.

This particular email was sent to the parents of the Eastport-South Manor Central School District.

Dear ESM Community,

The district is very pleased to introduce our new district doctor, Melina Khwaja, MD. Dr. Khwaja is an Emergency Medicine Board Certified Physician with over 10 years’ experience as an attending at University Hospital at Stony Brook treating patients, teaching, and supervising medical students and residents. Currently, Dr. Khwaja is the owner and operator of independent urgent care centers in West Babylon and Manorville, NY. Dr. Khwaja has already spent a great deal of time working with our school nurses to improve our systems, practices and to implement all new required regulations.

One such effort has to do with new regulations regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest. All districts are now required to ensure that nurses and coaches can address the treatment and monitoring of students who exhibit signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest. In addition, districts are required to make sure that all staff are aware of the warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest and what to do if a person experiences sudden cardiac arrest. Please see the attached information on Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

The attached health survey is necessary for our medical staff to complete student physicals. To ensure that our medical staff have the necessary cardiac health information for all students, we ask that you please complete the attached student health survey and send it to your child’s school nurse. Even if your child has already had their annual physical, and you have provided the school with that information, please complete the first section of the attached form to provide the school nurse with the additional student health history regarding sudden cardiac arrest.

Dec. 31, 2021, is the deadline for school physicals. If your child has not already had their annual physical, we will be providing student physicals during the week of Jan 10-14.
Probably Facebook or Rogancast. Believe them they know a guy.
Probably. Or maybe I don’t have Facebook, but I have a sister that has kids in that school district. She probably sent me a copy of the email. I suppose you could classify that as “knowing a guy.” Nice assumption though.
The reactions - or lack thereof - confuse me...

Does no reaction mean your body was plenty primed with antibodies or T- cell immunity and the booster was not really necessary, or does a reaction mean the same?

I have yet to fully understand the incredible variability of the entire covid thing.
No idea. I had little if any reaction to either of the first two shots as well.

The medical source I found said some react and some don’t. The reactions are your immune system firing up. No reaction does not mean the immune system did not activate. They said some immune systems are just harsher when they respond and some just quietly go about their business.
These issues are under reported, and I’ve been encouraged strongly to not report as a post marketing side effect, as none of my 4 doctors will as required by fda.
I believe that you can self-report to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), here's a link.

If your doctors won't do it, you should, and perhaps mention their names in your report and the fact that they were unwilling to do the right thing.
Do you have the information packet they referenced on the "sudden cardiac arrest"? I mean, they can't be stupid enough to mention its a risk in children now because of the vaccine...or can they?
I don’t have that information, but have found it before with some deep digging. That was almost a month ago. You’ll have to do your own research. FYI - don’t use Google. Use another search engine like duckduckgo.

To answer your question, they are not “stupid” enough to state the connection to the vaccine. However, they have operated fort DECADES without this guidance. Only one thing has changed recently that causes heart issues. Can anyone guess what that one thing would be?
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