Cooper tires

I have a 3500 SRW that I tow with and use in the mountains a good amount. I run a 20” for weight rating with my 5th wheel that weighs 16,000lbs. I’ve ran the 275/65-r20’s as I like a taller narrower tire. I had a set of the cooper ST Maxx and considered it the best tire I’ve ever ran good traction, weight rating and I rotated them as I should and pulled 65,000 out of them. When I took them off I told them I wanted another set. They went up exponentially from the first set so the salesman talked me into the AT3 XLT saying I could expect much the same out of them at like $50 a tire cheaper. I’m not going to say the AT3’s aren’t a good tire because they are but they are bested by the ST Maxx in every category. I’m not going to get the miles out of these and will definitely go back. Another one to consider is the Goodyear Duratrak. Had a friend that has ran those with great success on a heavy duty diesel as well
I currently have AT3 XLT's on my F350 and ST Maxx's on my F250. Both have been great in most every condition.
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Cooper S/T Maxx . A little more money but three ply sidewall. As tough as the STT without the noise
I’d stay with the Ridge Grappler. Mine are at 75k, and I’m just starting to plan for a new set this Summer. Cost, performance, and weight click all the right boxes for me.
I don’t know if I would trust the at3xlts under a diesel. They are quiet, when new have good traction. Gravel chews them up, and some qc problems in my experience. On 3rd warranty set on 3500 gmc. 25% gravel, gooseneck towing, and a lot of highway. Last set lasted just under 20k and the tire blew on the shoulder. Regular tire rotation too as my work has a lift.

For cheaper I’d buy falken wild peaks I run on my personal 2500 Cummins similar use to what you described, longevity I’d buy toyo open or the newerCt I believe they are
Just as an fyi. If you have a Big O chain near you and like the Coopers, Cooper makes the Big O branded “Big foot AT” tires. They are the exact same tire as the cooper at3. They can be bought from Big O with their warranty for a decent chunk cheaper than the coopers.

I’d always recommend the 10 ply load range e version of both the coopers and big foots over the “light truck” versions.
You might want to take a look at the Mastercraft Courser AXT 2. They are made by Cooper. I have two sets on my Land Cruisers. They have been exceptional tires for me at a significant price decrease.
I agreeastercraft quality is almost the same as the coopers. Currently running a cooper stt maxx.
The 10 ply ST MAXX tires and have them siped and you will be in business! Cooper's are fantastic tires made here in the USA. I have ran AT3's Coopers on my Ford F150 for years and switched to the more aggressive ST MAXX for better overall traction. They are maybe just a tad noisier on the highway, but the durability and traction seem to be a lot better. I've gone through two hunting seasons with them and they have performed well in the rocks, mud, and snow. Seem to be wearing good also. Rotate them about every 5000 miles.
I was surprised that tire wasn’t mentioned.. maxx is a good at tire… only complaint I had was they hold rocks in a light pickup, but not bad on a heavy full size pickup