Convert AR15 223 to 6 ARC?

Have any of you done any suppressed shooting with 6mm arc and compared it to 223/556 with regards to db ? I'm trying to figure out which would be a better all around multipurpose rifle for home defense and hunting.
Have both the 223AI and 6 ARC bolt guns suppressed, sound the same pretty much, the 6 ARC will tend to recoil a bit more due to the larger projectile. 6ARC would be better for hunting if you live in a state that regulates 6mm as minimum caliber.
Have any of you done any suppressed shooting with 6mm arc and compared it to 223/556 with regards to db ? I'm trying to figure out which would be a better all around multipurpose rifle for home defense and hunting.

Cartridge is but a small portion of what causes noise.