Consolidated Dictionary & Guidelines for Backcountry Hunter dialect


Jul 4, 2015



Backcounty hunting can be one of the most challenging, fulfilling experience there is.

THEREFORE- It is vital that you use as many abbreviations and expressions as possible whenever you post. This is especially important if you've never actually hunted backcountry or only done so a few times. In such cases, you can shield your actual "FNG" status by rapidly adopting this jargon. Proper use of jargon, abbreviations and terms will ensure that everyone knows you're In-The-Club, and as awesome an expert backcountry hunter as you know you are... perhaps even one of the coolest Bruhs ever... maybe even, dare I say-- an INFLUENCER!?

Mere Mortals may recall the days of the Decoder Ring in cereal boxes, today we have Google and AI. At times, you will need all of these to decipher posts by the coolest kids on this site.

At great personal risk of being evicted from this site for sharing such secret information, I offer the following DICTIONARY AND USE GUIDE. This will be a work in progress, I'll updated it regularly, as my time and your suggestions permit, also as the Cool Kids language of Backcountry Hunting Studs evolves:

  1. HUMBLE BRAGGING- creatively and correctly deploying as many abbreviations and terms from this dictionary as possible when posting and describing your EPIC hunt, KIT and RIG in order to ensure that your mundane life appears as truly unbelievable as you know it is.i
  2. BCH- Its a lifestyle and if you gotta ask about it then you're not yet a true Back Country Hunter BCH'er. Sometimes also a pity-party Bitc*er when your BOAL gets shot out from under you.
  3. FNG- "Fuc*ing New Guy"- aka new member to this site. Best known for NOT understanding proper use of backcountry jargon. ALSO: 1) making new friends by immediately asking where to find honey holes, 2) If a 6.5 PRC is good for Grizzly at 1000yds, 3) Posting a Classified Ad for something they don't own, 4) Actually having the balls to wonder why a 30-06 at 2700fps is more deadly than a .308 at 2700fps.
  4. BRUH- a so much cooler adaptation of Brother. Field Identification feature: Typically RUNNING a Mountain Ops Flatbrim, often with full beard, growler in hand, and RUNNING the newest generation of KIT known to man. Bruhs are recognized as masters of backcountry lexicon, with colorful posts that make sitting on the couch seem like the most dangerous, exciting and self fulfilling thing that ever happened.
  5. RUN/Running- THE Swiss army knife of Backcountry verbs and the single most powerful verb in backcountry lexicon, this ONE verb shows that you are indeed a legendary backcountry hunter. It is deployed in place of the verbs "to USE, DRIVE, SHOOT...". Example- "I'm running Sitka KIT, a 6.5 Creedmoor and a Ford Raptor".
  6. RIG- You don't own a TRUCK or RUN (drive) a TRUCK. If you backcountry hunt, you own and RUN a RIG. Get over it. You especially do NOT RUN a Subaru, or at least you rarely admit it in public.
  7. OVERLANDING RIG- when you drive your RIG more than 50ft off paved road in order to camp.
  8. KIT- You don't own gear, you own and use KIT. You are a backcountry warrior, even if the howl of 35lb coyotes makes you wet your panties. Backcountry hunters and hunter wanna-be's are only 1/4 notch below Special Forces and Navy Seals. We RUN KIT, not GEAR, got it!?
  9. STP- Sierra Trading Post, discount and close-out KIT available there, often at great prices. Never type out the full name, it takes too long and now that you're a BCH'er, ain't no one got time for dat.
  10. BOAL- "Buck, Bear or Bull of A Lifetime". A legendary Boone & Crocket trophy that you're TARGETING to HARVEST or Have HARVESTED, or worse-- a legendary, EPIC BOAL that you've TARGETED for at least two entire days and that someone else had the balls to HARVEST when you took a break to snap a selfie just before completing the last leg of your Stalk Of A Lifetime.
  11. HARVEST- Killing that does not involve blood, skinning, gutting or anyone actually seeing a dead animal. The sterile, peaceful death that also overcoming hunting and hunters... similar to the quiet elimination of backcountry wintering grounds for elk/deer, as Californian, Washingtonian, hedge fund and other tech-money compels ranchers' heirs to subdivide multi thousand acre ranches located in wintering-valleys into sterile communities of 2nd and 3rd 8,000 sq ft ranchette homes for remote working. Don't worry though, the new Ranchette owners drive electric trucks/cars and have purchased carbon credits to offset their new homes.
  12. DRT- Dead Right There: as in, I simply whispered the name of my killler-broadhead and that animal just flopped over as if struck by lightening. An elegant and painless HARVEST.
  13. RIP- Nope, not Rest In Peace. When calling elk, true BCH'ers RIP a bugle. They never just bugle. BOALs only respond to bugles that are RIPPED~! It is mandatory that you RIP bugles when you're bored and where you can be easily seen so every BOAL in the area will know that you, FNG, are a hunter pretending to be a BOAL. The more educated and quiet the BOALs get, the sweeter the HARVEST
  14. BUILD- verb, originally used by skilled gunsmiths and fabricators to describe the precision and work they put into actually making a rifle or welding and fabricating custom truck parts. Co-opted by Bruhs and others that pay these craftsmen to do the skilled work that they cannot so on their own rifle, bow or truck. So diluted and emasculated that the strenuous effort of placing stickers for KIT on the back window of your RIG, now qualifies as a BUILD... As in, "I spent hours on the interwebs Googling and looking for the perfect Kuiu sticker for my BUILD. It was exhausting." Use the BUILD word with pride and toast yourself with a cloudy, sour microbrew.
  15. SPIN UP/SPUN UP- a more mature way of stating the you're paying and contracting someone else to do your BUILD, rather that plagiarizing or co-opting their effort as if you did the BUILD yourself. Use-case- "I'm having a CF "Carbon Fiber" barrel SPUN UP for my PRC.
  16. BREAK- when you can't recall if the new, custom CF/Ti PRC you had SPUN UP has a muzzle BRAKE, then, surely it must have a muzzle BREAK.
  17. EYES-ON: Backcountry hunters know how dangerous their TARGET Animal can be. So dangerous that they never see it or spot it, they GET EYES ON IT. Why? Because well, like sniper teams know, it might just shoot back.
  18. Manufacturer's Broadhead Names- these must be the most fearsome of all conceivable names, sounding so deadly, that merely whispering the broadhead's name at the animal will cause it to fall over DRT like a fainting goat. Also critical that the edges of said broadheads have WICKED serrations. And that the broadhead be as WIDE as possible, or have as many edges as possible, despite the fact that required force for penetration increases at the square of frontal edge width.
  19. WKR- Well Known Rokslider. When you've been here long enough to make thoughtful posts, helping FNG's make sound choices, seen the same question asked 20 times and yet managed to control your Tourrette's well enough not to kicked off Rokslide by pushing your own idea of humor too far, and/or resisted the urge to individually taunt Humble Braggers about their KIT, BUILD or RIG.
  20. BASIN- that magical HONEY HOLE of a high valley, somewhere near Neverland Ranch, where legendary BOAL's hide, surrounded by impenetrable deadfall, impossibly steep terrain, 15 miles back from the trailhead and uphill both ways. This is where some A-hole will kill YOUR TARGETED BOAL right out from under you, leaving you forever shattered and broken, posting and whining of your epic loss on this and other forums for months.
  21. BOOMER- Still shooting that pre-'64 .270 Winchester with a Leopold and old enough to know a few things cause you've done a few things and when said knowledge and sharing of same (which was accumulated over decades of real world trial/hard lessons) is interpreted by non-boomers as arrogance and inflexibility
  22. SPONSOR- God help them. Folks that put their money, time and creativity where their mouths are, constantly trying to stay ahead of others that are trying to stay ahead of them. Simultaneously vilified for prices that are too high or selling more affordable product made offshore "but designed in the US". These guys keep this site alive so FNGs can fall into the trap of THE GOOD IDEA FAIRY. Do us all a favor and buy something from them, even if it costs more than from STP.
  23. GOOD IDEA FAIRY- let's just say that this is how the base weight of your "ultralight", $800 backpack stuffed 900-fill down goodness, a Dynema tent and other ultralight KIT suddenly balloons to 50lbs- BEFORE food/water, as you add that spare Ti knife, axe and flask of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon to celebrate HARVESTING your TARGETED BOAL.
  24. **CONTINUED on POST #44, ran out of room due to 10,000 character limit...
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Jul 20, 2014
Kirtland, NM
Guess I’m not a true BCH then. I don’t know what a kit is. I drive a truck. Never wear a flatbrim hat. I never run anywhere or anything. I don’t shoot a 6.5 prc and never will. I don’t know what a growler is unless I’m referencing what type of bugle an elk has. I do have a beard but it’s not a full on duck dynasty one.

Wait, maybe I am a true back country hunter because I abbreviated it earlier. 🤣
Jul 20, 2014
Kirtland, NM
Forgot to mention, I never ever say Bruh?! What the hell is that anyways?

Funny story,

Went to a birthday party for a friend of mine’s little boy. All the adults there were in the range of 30-33 yrs old. All had little kids. The adults were using the “Bruh” and “Bro” terms constantly. Drove me crazy! My kids range from 11-5 yrs old but I have a good 15-18 yrs of age ahead of these “adults.”


Aug 9, 2020
RIP a bugle, not to be confused with a military musician playing taps for the deceased. A FNG uses RIP verbage to describe how they convince bull elk to go quiet and/or move out to another drainage.


Aug 29, 2012
BOAL, can be buck, bull, or bear. Also, could be beeotch when referring to a steep hill, trail, blow down patch, downpour, etc

Put Eyes On- ask Lampers, I think he stated it.

300 bull- any six point and some 5 points

170 class- any 4 point muley with eyeguards

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May 10, 2015
TTT or Ttt is 'To The Top'. Make a "dummy post" to put the thread back to the top when it gets buried.

I figured that FNG stood for what was posted above. Took me a day or two to figure out what 'WKR' was. Thought maybe it was a reference to worker or "Keep Hammerin'".

What's the abbreviation or acronym for a mullet with a perm? Maybe 'MURM'? Saw lots of those at the Expo in February.


Jul 15, 2021
FBET (Flat Bill Ear Tucker) - typically a hunter from Utah or hunters that use MtOps supplements, identified by their flat billed ball cap with ears tucked under the sides.

Edit: I apologize to hunters from Utah. I’ve met plenty from there that did not fit the description, however, every one I’ve met that fits the description has been from Utah.


Mar 16, 2016
Guess I’m not a true BCH then. I don’t know what a kit is. I drive a truck. Never wear a flatbrim hat. I never run anywhere or anything. I don’t shoot a 6.5 prc and never will. I don’t know what a growler is unless I’m referencing what type of bugle an elk has. I do have a beard but it’s not a full on duck dynasty one.

Wait, maybe I am a true back country hunter because I abbreviated it earlier. 🤣
I always thought a growler was what came about 20 minutes after your morning coffee.


Mar 16, 2020
Probably need to add basin. Those magical spots between 2 peaks that are loaded with trophy animals because you have secret paid scouting techniques.


Sep 29, 2012
Love it, but you need to add to the "overlanding rig" definition the tent on top so you need to pack it all up so you can turn your truck around at your camp spot.

And that you have at least 6 things bolted to the exterior of the rig, 4 of which are never actually removed once they are attached (e.g. hi-lift, fuel/water containers, traction boards, kayak, or shovel) - mostly because the owners doesn't know what they do other than to give street cred with other overlanding rig owners.
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
Boomer = old ass hat that thinks his way is the only way and is better then everyone, has seen and done it all, rooten, tooten model 70 shootin SOB, has forgot more then you'll ever know.
Yearns for the good ole days, has max points in every state, wears white new balance sneakers and suspenders.
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