Compact Kimber .45


Sep 26, 2019
Does anyone here regularly carry one of the Kimber compact .45s? Considering one for concealed carry. Curious to hear some of the pros and cons, function, reliability accuracy etc. I currently carry a Ruger SR1911, but looking to switch to something way lighter and a it smaller and the Kimber is on the 1911 platform I prefer. Thank you for any input, positive or negative.
I’m a bit of a kimber fanboy. I have a good combat as well as a Super Carry Pro. The super carry is a sweet shooter, light weight, and had a bobtail that doesn’t print as easy or dig into my love handles. I have owned Springfields in the past. There also nice pistols. I find the fit and finish on the Custom Shop limbers to be top notch for production guns.
First cc in 2002 was an early Ultra Carry lightweight with full melt. Carried daily for 6 years. Thousands of trouble free rounds at the range, and it ate everything. Natural pointer and very accurate. Not sure about today's version, but mine was solid.
I love them but I need to thin the herd sometime. I have the Christensen bug for a new western rifle. Why do we pick such expensive hobbies
Check out a Sig 938 as an option - there's good reason they're so popular.