Common courtesy and decency

I don't feel it's too bad here. I think a lot of times some just for fun ball busting gets misconstrued as flaming or slamming another person. I like the ribbing and sarcastic humor. Reminds me of hanging with my real life, non-internet friends.

Its educational too. If somebody posts a stupid question or comment but doesn't know its stupid, and we don't tell him its stupid, how will he learn?🤷‍♂️
a lot of people these days don't bother to do any research or put in even the smallest amount of effort whatsoever on XYZ Topic.
Several friends of mine who year in and year out talk about "going on a elk hunt next year" anytime we are together and having beers, when the time comes up to buy pref/bonus points and I let them know, they give up after they realize it takes more than 2 or 3 clicks to do it, ask me a question like "I have to create a user name?" or "I have to pay $100 for a hunting license?" Then a month or two later after the window expires I see them again and ask if they bought the point, they say, Oh I forgot, and then resume talking about how they want to go out west again. Some are business owners and very successful in certain aspects of their life that they have grinded in for years, yet when it comes to hunting, they want to be successful, but want to make as little effort as possible to get there. I'm glad it's not easy.
My favorite threads are when a newbie asks a unit specific question and no one answers. The thread never turns into anything and disappears. This action makes the point against those posts while not taking cheap shots. More effective and respectful in the long run.
My favorite threads are when a newbie asks a unit specific question and no one answers. The thread never turns into anything and disappears. This action makes the point against those posts while not taking cheap shots. More effective and respectful in the long run.
This x 100

Every person who posts to tell someone they shouldn't be asking a unit-specific question actually makes it much more likely a search engine will find that thread and lead more people to it. Simply scrolling on and not posting is the ticket.

But a lot of people just can't live with themselves if they don't take every opportunity to tell someone else they are stupid or wrong.
Mankind is screwed. I often feel guilt when I think about the fact that I brought my 3 year old into this world. Not kidding at all. I'm scared for what he will have to deal with as he gets older.

People just suck.
Mankind is screwed. I often feel guilt when I think about the fact that I brought my 3 year old into this world. Not kidding at all. I'm scared for what he will have to deal with as he gets older.

People just suck.
Humanity has been horrible for all of history. Things may get very ugly, but at the moment he is in a much more prosperous and free world than the overwhelming majority of humanity has ever enjoyed.

For most of history, he would have had a 40-50% chance of dieing before reaching 5 years old, rather than the under 1% risk today.

Don't try to give him a better life, rather raise him to be a better person, train a man who will do what is right, the cost be damned.
I don't know how far back one needs to go to find the "Old Hide" where posters were decent. I've been on there since 2006 and not much has changed by way of disgusting forum behavior. So I've come here. However, sadly there is the same behavior here in some threads that mimic the filth of SH.
When it was mostly military people. If you have never been in what a lot of people would be offended by is just normal. If you can’t take a rash of shit or have feelings that get hurt easy I guess it’s not for you but it had people with a lot of experience and a wealth of knowledge.
It’s been said a couple times already but I think it’s the anonymity of the internet. It’s real easy to be a prick when you can’t get punched in the face for running mouth.
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