Colorado Wolf Shot and Killed… in Wyoming

The Wyoming news media is saying a wolf was found dead. Recent transplant from BC. Cause of death had not been released from any Wyoming sources best I can tell. Wouldn’t surprise me if it found some lead. There is a large pack of Wolves already in the Laramie Peak area. So maybe as it was heading north it got its but woooped by the pack boss.
Lighten up Francis, we can enjoy the small wins, trust me it’s not stopping the anti hunters one bit if we pretend like we were heartbroken over a dead wolf. Thing is the anti hunter will quit when they are dead no amount of appeasement will suffice…. So F’em
It’s non-hunters that we need to appease. They’re the majority. Not saying to act devastated, just saying a wolf is an animal the same as a deer and they live and they die. No need to treat them any differently than other animals. Sucks to see that wolf die after being taken out of its natural environment without being given time to learn its new environment. Maybe they’ll think twice about translocations before they try to do something completely non scientific again. Wolves were already making their way to CO and would have established naturally if cooler heads would have prevailed.
It’s non-hunters that we need to appease. They’re the majority. Not saying to act devastated, just saying a wolf is an animal the same as a deer and they live and they die. No need to treat them any differently than other animals. Sucks to see that wolf die after being taken out of its natural environment without being given time to learn its new environment. Maybe they’ll think twice about translocations before they try to do something completely non scientific again. Wolves were already making their way to CO and would have established naturally if cooler heads would

I agree somewhat. The real tragedy is that there is this small contingent trying to actively erase our way of life and they are using wolves as the tool. The wolf is just being a wolf. Thankfully this is Rokslide and not Reddit I feel somewhat safe with this audience.
I don’t celebrate the death of this wolf. It should have never been brought to Colorado. I mourn the loss for the ag producers affected. Tragedy all around. However, I do celebrate the independent rights of Wyoming citizens to manage wildlife in their state. The anti-hunting zealots in Denver/Boulder clearly feel emboldened to oppress and control their fellow Coloradans in rural areas, but that doesn’t fly to the north. This same anti-hunting minority is currently pushing a ballot proposition to usurp the CPW commission in order to eliminate hunting and agriculture. They are going after it all. Scary stuff.

I agree somewhat. The real tragedy is that there is this small contingent trying to actively erase our way of life and they are using wolves as the tool. The wolf is just being a wolf. Thankfully this is Rokslide and not Reddit I feel somewhat safe with this audience.
Fair. I do think we’d be better served by showing non hunters that we can prevent the crazy predator prey cycles with scientifically regulated hunting. Predators don’t have a concept of when they’re over exploiting, we do. I’m not saying to bring wolves to more places, but in places where they’re already there, we’d probably be better served by giving scientific reasonings for why we can prevent animals including wolves from dying horrible deaths to disease and starvation.
Poor thing just wanted to go home. Somebody tell these wolf huggers it's cruel to kidnap them and transport them thousands of miles away into a foreign environment.
The Northern states are the only habitat they have left that isn’t fragmented. I think we should keep them as far away from the Lobos as possible to keep hybridization from occurring. The way things are going the Grays may be de-listed by the end of the year. The sooner the better for their own good.
This Edward dude is scary stupid. Demanding neighboring states to honor their efforts?? How about honor the efforts of the farm and ranch communities. Stating they can prevent wolves from killing livestock?? Should we also honor the Colorado drug laws? How about giving up entire sidewalks in cities to homeless bums should we also honor those great Colorado decisions?? This guy needs fed to the wolves
We had people like Deb Haaland in there pitching for the wolves. I read more than one of her memos to the NWS that endorsed “reintroduction” of wolves. She fully planned on replacing hunting with predators. Now anyone with any sense knows that is cray stuff there. The Tribes (even the Pueblos) have hunting programs, raise sheep and cattle. Just because hunters and ranchers don’t want wolves outside of their natural Northern habitat doesn’t mean we don’t like them.

We had Jaquars and brown bears in SW new Mexico. The Mexican Browns are extinct as are the Merriam’s Elk but we still get a glimpse of a jaguar or two. We have Mexican Wolves (they are not Gray wolves) but we need to keep them isolated if we can because it is a matter of their survival. People think just let them go where they want and they will adapt but hybridization with grays is a possibility. The Red Wolf, they are not Gray wolves either, are very susceptible to hybridization because of the species of coyotes in their range.
we’d probably be better served by giving scientific reasonings for why we can prevent animals including wolves from dying horrible deaths to disease and starvation.
That was done many decades ago when wolves were finally eradicated from CO.

Even boot-stomping a mouse prevents it from "dying a horrible death to disease or starvation".
That was done many decades ago when wolves were finally eradicated from CO.

Even boot-stomping a mouse prevents it from "dying a horrible death to disease or starvation".
Yeah, that’s a failure on our own part. Symptom is wolves, cause is the want to remove hunting. Gotta stop acting like killing wolves will get people to stop trying to remove hunting. I’ve seen a positive shift in my non-hunting friends with the homesteading movement. They’re starting to see that I get my meat from the land and not from a feedlot that treats their cattle like absolute garbage. Same with smaller ranch beef. I have seen more people trying to buy from them than from stores which I think is a highly positive shift. There is a lot of people that are non-hunters that are teetering on the fence of us being bad or good and all out comments on triple S, “only good wolf is a dead wolf” and etc. is hurting our standing with them. Wolves are just an animal and they deserve to be treated the same as our other animals. They’re not evil and they’re not the savior of the world either. Gotta treat them like just another animal but there’s so much emotion surrounding them being the way anti hunters get rid of hunters that a lot of people turn the hate on them not the anti hunters.
Wolves are just an animal and they deserve to be treated the same as our other animals.
If you were a rancher you'd have a different opinion on them.

If you had a large vegetable garden that was overrun with rabbits, would you treat them the same as every other animal that "wasn't" destroying your garden?

To me, this isn't about anti-hunters (regardless what their intent is), non-hunters, or hunting at all. Emotion has nothing to do with it. It's all about fixing a problem that was already fixed before ignorant people decided to bring them back.
The article you posted said the wolf and collar were returned.
"Wildlife Services then returned the wolf and the GPS collar to CPW."
Wyoming media says a US fish cop killed the wolf after it killed at least 5 sheep. The animal and collar have been returned back to CO.
If you were a rancher you'd have a different opinion on them.

If you had a large vegetable garden that was overrun with rabbits, would you treat them the same as every other animal that "wasn't" destroying your garden?

To me, this isn't about anti-hunters (regardless what their intent is), non-hunters, or hunting at all. Emotion has nothing to do with it. It's all about fixing a problem that was already fixed before ignorant people decided to bring them back.
Well the will of the people brought them back. Do I agree with the way it was done, absolutely not, but do I think ranchers/hunters should just get a free for all and send them back into extirpation, absolutely not. If a rabbit was in my garden, I would try and relocate it first but if killing it was necessary I would. That doesn’t mean that I should go kill every rabbit on the landscape because that one rabbit ate my garden. They deserve a place on the landscape too. Does that mean drop them in CO in the middle of ranchers, no, but if they find their way there and are not causing damage, I don’t see why we need to go out of our way to persecute them.
Well the will of the people brought them back. Do I agree with the way it was done, absolutely not, but do I think ranchers/hunters should just get a free for all and send them back into extirpation, absolutely not. If a rabbit was in my garden, I would try and relocate it first but if killing it was necessary I would. That doesn’t mean that I should go kill every rabbit on the landscape because that one rabbit ate my garden. They deserve a place on the landscape too. Does that mean drop them in CO in the middle of ranchers, no, but if they find their way there and are not causing damage, I don’t see why we need to go out of our way to persecute them.
Will of the people? It was razor thin majority 50.9/48.1 or something like that… also how would you feel if your neighbor who has no lawn or garden decided that you need to have rabbits in garden, oh by the way you make your living by selling those vegetables…. But yeah just deal with it.