Colorado Residents Please Fill Out the HOWL Link

Jun 21, 2020

Looks like Polis is trying to screw over hunters yet again. He’s attempting to put 3 anti-hunters on the CPW board.

I believe this link only works for residents of Colorado currently. Please fill out your info and it’ll auto send to your local rep. All submissions must be completed by end of day Monday March 4th.

I did a brief scan and didn’t see this posted yet so apologies if this is already posted elsewhere.

Thanks y’all!
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Mar 22, 2022
Denver, CO
Bump. And thanks for the heads up. According to HOWL's page, any submissions need to happen by EOD Monday, March 4 (two days from now).
Fever Buck
Jun 21, 2020
Bump. And thanks for the heads up. According to HOWL's page, any submissions need to happen by EOD Monday, March 4 (two days from now).
Good info. Thanks for sharing. I’ll edit my original post to include the deadline.
Jul 17, 2017
Bump this. Need every Colorado resident to reach out. Lots of momentum with the senate ag and natural resource committee rejecting Skiba and Beaulieu’s appointment. There is a realistic chance the state senate votes to not confirm. Would send a real message that hunters, anglers, and outdoor rec matter.
Fever Buck
Jun 21, 2020
Bump this. Need every Colorado resident to reach out. Lots of momentum with the senate ag and natural resource committee rejecting Skiba and Beaulieu’s appointment. There is a realistic chance the state senate votes to not confirm. Would send a real message that hunters, anglers, and outdoor rec matter.
Agreed. I’ll try to bump this thread a few times until the deadline so long as Rokslide staff are cool with it.


Mar 2, 2024
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I submitted feedback through the link. I was also wondering if this group (HOWL) has a social media presence. I found @HowlForWildlife on X, however, there has been no activity since October 2023? Thanks again.


Dec 31, 2020
Northern CO
### 2 of 3 got a thumbs down from the committee, but it still gets voted on by the full Senate, I presume next week; here's the email addresses:

To:[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

### here's what I wrote; you can copy it if you want, but you should make it your own:

As a 27 year Colorado resident, I write today to ask you to deny the appointments of three candidates for Colorado CPW; Jack Murphy, Jessica Beaulieu, and Gary Skiba.

Legislators and stakeholders must assertively communicate to the Polis administration that they will no longer tolerate the appointment of individuals with shared agendas that undermine the very purpose and mission of these commissions. Within the CPW Commission itself, intertwined connections exist that, if not addressed, may ultimately restrict the autonomy of stakeholders.

Voting against these confirmations would send a powerful message, signaling a stand against the governor's unchecked influence in appointing commission members like those at CPW who may advance agendas aligned with environmental groups. Refusing to endorse such appointments is crucial to curbing the unwarranted empowerment of special-interest groups.

There is a growing concern that criminalizing hunting on Colorado's public lands is the ultimate objective of a vocal minority. It's imperative to recognize that CPW's primary funding comes from license fees and residents such as myself, need a voice in our own State government!

Beaulieu, the manager and an attorney with the University of Denver’s Animal Law program, advocates on behalf of “non-human animals.” This doe NOT sound like someone who should be any where near the complex management decisions on populations of wild animals in our State.

Contrary to expectations, Skiba lacks recognition as a sportsman, hunter, or angler. His notoriety stems from spearheading efforts to reintroduce wolves to Colorado and his affiliation with Defenders of Wildlife. Skiba's involvement as the primary author of Colorado's wolf compensation plan, as highlighted in a 2021 lawsuit against the state of California, further emphasizes his non-traditional background.

Jack Murphy, co-founder and president of Urban Wildlife Rescue, appointed alongside Skiba and Beaulieu, raises eyebrows. Despite being named as representatives of outdoor recreation and parks utilization, both lack any discernible background in recreation or wildlife management – essential elements of CPW's core mission.

It is evident that none of these appointees harbor genuine interest in safeguarding the hunting and fishing public in Colorado. Instead, their backgrounds suggest a predisposition towards radical environmentalism. As stewards of the state's natural resources, it is imperative to scrutinize these appointments and ensure that commissions are composed of individuals who genuinely align with the overarching mission of agencies like CPW.