The resident short game. Long term consequences?

Stop deflecting. Show us where it's "codified in federal law" like you said it was.

I could show you where that authority actually comes from, and even explain to you what "codified in federal law" means, but it's a lot more fun to watch you flail.
Do what you want. Acts of congress are law.
Statutes are laws. Congress passes lots of things that aren't laws.

The title of the bill you posted should have tipped you off, if you had any clue what you are talking about.
You win, and every state will continue to legally discriminate against NR hunters.

That would be a win-win.
I feel he was making a point. Some people contribute to things that they don’t directly benefit from. He provided personal examples to illustrate that fact -not tooting his own horn. Op suggested that not allowing every non resident to draw the tag they want will lead to a massive loss of support for conservation groups. Basically that if nr can’t kill it personally they won’t support it. Buzz example was spot on a lot people support things they will never personally use or get direct benefit from. Providing personal examples of that is just that. A real life example. I might have misinterpreted what you were saying?
Bullshit trap that's all buzz does is pat himself on the back and take credit for chit he h nothing to do with or brag about how many tags he gets etc etc if he could sell ego by the pound he would be the Donald trump of Wyoming he's a joke and an ego tripping fool
Bullshit trap that's all buzz does is pat himself on the back and take credit for chit he h nothing to do with or brag about how many tags he gets etc etc if he could sell ego by the pound he would be the Donald trump of Wyoming he's a joke and an ego tripping fool
And that’s why Buzz is no longer here.
Bullshit trap that's all buzz does is pat himself on the back and take credit for chit he h nothing to do with or brag about how many tags he gets etc etc if he could sell ego by the pound he would be the Donald trump of Wyoming he's a joke and an ego tripping fool
I agree with alot of that about buzz. Have had many arguments and disagreements with him and the ego is large with him. except in this case I think he made a good case for people supporting stuff they don’t always benefit from personally
You make it seem like I hunted out west - I hunted out east. The quota changes will affect me less than most. When the dust settles, will have hunted out west 3 times.

I'm against special youth days cause it gives folks an excuse not to take their kids all the time. Lotsa guys have "their hunts" and then take the kid 1 day a year, then can't figure out why the kid can't shoot or hunt cause they get a youth hunt. There's a lot of guys on here who do it right, but just as many who don't.

Why is it so hard for some folks to get off their asses and take their kids hunting that they need a special season and bag limits?

For some reason i wwnt to respond to you.

Im deaf. Started hunting in 1978 - before the assinine kid seasons. Got first doe in 1985, buck in 1990. Not bad for a deaf kid, now old man.

We got parapelgic seasons, vet seasons, and youth seasons for the kids who’s parents are dicks and wont take em during regular seasons.

What else do we need? Keep lining up the special interest folks? Change the rules for each?

God knows we dont want no NR seasons cause they are trouble.

Folks only support what helps them. I’m tired of wasting hunting seasons on folks who dont need it. Cant walk normal? Sure. Anyone else - really? Do they really need it?

Again im deaf and get nothing special from anyone. Would you hunt w double hearing protection? Yeah, ima hardass.
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I agree with alot of that about buzz. Have had many arguments and disagreements with him and the ego is large with him. except in this case I think he made a good case for people supporting stuff they don’t always benefit from personally
Buzz aint a bad person, he’s offered help w a lot of stuff. Its all in the presentation.
OP made some good points, I’m 33. Have been hunting big game hard since I came back to the home state (CO) with the army 9 years ago. My home state has doubled in population size, development seems to have been non stop since I was younger but is at a fever pitch pace now. Not sure what the answer is on how to be fair when it comes to hunting opportunities. I know that in the last 5 years spots in my backyard have changed (as far as tags go) and it is frustrating to deal with that. To be honest part of my plan is to work hard, invest wisely and save money to buy my own hunting y property some day, probably won’t be in Co, but at this rate unless you have a place to hunt in a “right leaning” state the future of hunting could be pretty bleak. Wolves are going to rip right through the biggest elk herd in the country and I’m not sure what will be left on the other side of that? Anyhow all you guys that travel west get ready it might not be long before you are MF’ing all the Colorado plates heading to your state to deer hunt, or making property values skyrocket, so your kids can’t afford to live where your family has for generations.
Basically what any local Co person has been saying about coasties especially CA for the last 15 years…

For some reason i wwnt to respond to you.

Im deaf. Started hunting in 1978 - before the assinine kid seasons. Got first doe in 1985, buck in 1990. Not bad for a deaf kid, now old man.

We got parapelgic seasons, vet seasons, and youth seasons for the kids who’s parents are dicks and wont take em during regular seasons.

What else do we need? Keep lining up the special interest folks? Change the rules for each?

God knows we dont want no NR seasons cause they are trouble.

Folks only support what helps them. I’m tired of wasting hunting seasons on folks who dont need it. Cant walk normal? Sure. Anyone else - really? Do they really need it?

Again im deaf and get nothing special from anyone. Would you hunt w double hearing protection? Yeah, ima hardass.
On the bright side man, you don’t need to worry about ear pro with a muzzle brake
On the bright side man, you don’t need to worry about ear pro with a muzzle brake
Life hasn't been bad. Muzzle brakes do hurt - might be the percussion. LoL!

'bout the only thing I can say is that I can truly be in a quiet space, with no outside noise. Lots more peaceful than hearing birds and the house creaking, stuff like that.
Life hasn't been bad. Muzzle brakes do hurt - might be the percussion. LoL!

'bout the only thing I can say is that I can truly be in a quiet space, with no outside noise. Lots more peaceful than hearing birds and the house creaking, stuff like that.
Muzzle brakes are hell on me too which is why I am getting into suppressors, just wish I had them in the service back in the day.

I appreciate how you find the upside in hearing loss I redid my floors and there are a few creaks that drive me nuts!
Muzzle brakes are hell on me too which is why I am getting into suppressors, just wish I had them in the service back in the day.

I appreciate how you find the upside in hearing loss I redid my floors and there are a few creaks that drive me nuts!
I'm starting to look into a supressor as well - met a guy at a private range and his setup was excellent - some kind of semi like a Mini-30 and all you could hear was the slide and the bullet hit steel. That was neat.

Gotta find sunshine in everything. Good luck with that floor!
I think the first point is that it’s shitty to ask non-residents for help on access and other issues on one hand and with the other be writing up ways to cut opportunities for those same non-residents. Unlimited OTC isn’t good for anybody, I understand that.

Agree nothing is owed to us, but I can’t wait for the first state to cut all non-resident tag allotments and watch the residents start a riot when the state game agency doubles or triples (or more) resident tag prices to make up the funding difference. You can’t go from selling 12,000 NR tags at $600-1000 and make up for it by giving those same tags away to residents for $30-$50 each.
There was a while where Kansas didn't allow non resident hunters. The old timers up there refer to that as the best deer hunting. It wasn't long until other states didn't allow Kansas hunters to hunt in their states.

I'm not sure this approach would work with western guys though cause they could probably care less to go hunt back east.