Colorado OTC - Shooter?

If I was able to hunt the entire month...maybe get a pass on the 1st day.? Second day hes getting arrow though.
In an OTC unit, I’ll shoot any legal elk lol. Getting at least one elk in the freezer is my goal each year, I’m not very picky! Now when I draw a really good tag, then I’ll focus on being a little more selective.

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Does HOW the shot opportunity came about sway anyone one way or another?

If that elk came was slaying a group of ten cows and you saw him run off other suitors in the middle of being the mayor of poundtown, then came full tilt at your bugles and you had a shot while he was tearing up a pine tree, would that saw any of the "NOs"?

Conversely, if you just woke up from a bush nap after your cold brew and coconut water wore off, did a little stretch, and then noticed this confused elk looking at a plane in the sky, would that sway any of the "YESs"?
Well when residents get to hunt their back yards every year, then we can talk about NR license fees coming down… until then pay up buttercup. Co is the de facto western playground for dang near the entire country
Many do, they just don’t live in trophy units.
Conversely, if you just woke up from a bush nap after your cold brew and coconut water wore off, did a little stretch, and then noticed this confused elk looking at a plane in the sky, would that sway any of the "YESs"?

That's when I just shoot myself.

Maybe at some point someone will find the dead head and carry the Flatbrim out....
Heck no.

Ima educate his ass so he don't fall victim to all the WKR'S.

Just like seeing how close you can call them. Go ahead and teach em something

He will probably have some emotional issues after you stick yourself in front of him.

For the record, @Ucsdryder can attest, I was describing my own cold brew then coconut water habits but I do not own a flat hat.
He will probably have some emotional issues after you stick yourself in front of him.

For the record, @Ucsdryder can attest, I was describing my own cold brew then coconut water habits but I do not own a flat hat.

I'll be honest, I can't determine what cold brew is.

Is that a cold beer or one of them instant coffee things?